Sermon Archives
The Law and the Covenants
Edwin Pope | February 8, 2003
God’s covenants with His people, His Law being an integral part of that covenant, is an agreement, solemnly binding, under which God promises rewards and blessings for obedience to His Way and punishments or cursings when disobedience occurs. Do we understand how these affect our lives today?
Our Relationship to God
Dave Harris | February 1, 2003
With a view to our ultimate potential to become sons of God, this sermon examines three ways to measure our relaionship with God at the present time. If we are to improve our relationship with God, then we must build on the correct foundation; establish our relationship through our obedience to God’s will; and, we must focus on our relationship with God in His Kingdom.
Books of the Bible IV
Norbert Link | January 25, 2003
The Writings — the third section of the Hebrew Bible — are of great
importance for us today. The Psalms have a story flow that describe a Christian, living in this world, on his way to the Kingdom of God. Christ will intervene and solve all problems — man’s attempts to solve his problems will not succeed. Man’s wars are not the answer. Books of Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther are filled with symbolism for us today. A 5 page Handout of Order and Number of Books available upon request.
The Tongue
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | January 25, 2003
An uncontrolled tongue exposes a spiritual problem. A true Christian has to use the tongue in a kindly way, a gentle way, a non-argumentative way, a benevolent way, a polite way, a considerate way, in an unselfish way and in a way that will be pleasing to both God and fellow man. We should edify, not destroy. We should follow the wise instruction in Romans 14 v 19
which states “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”
Prepare To Endure
Edwin Pope | January 18, 2003
If one would endure God’s Way of Life while on this earth; he will be stirred-up for God’s Way, guarding against temptations, being careful not to give in to the pressures and cares of this life. In so doing, he would not be negligent to the calling of this Way. We must prepare to endure!
Just Right
Dave Harris | January 11, 2003
Having a balanced approach to our religion is based on mature discernment between good and evil. Special emphasis is given to the example of the Pharisee’s hypocrisy as a caution for our own practices. Positive examples of faithful individuals are highlighted.
Books of the Bible III
Norbert Link | January 4, 2003
“One of the keys to understand prophecy is knowledge of the meaning of certain prophetic key phrases. What does the Bible mean with terms like “the latter days,” “the last days,” the time of the end,” “the end of the world,” the “Great Tribulation,” “in that day,” or, “the day of the LORD”? More importantly, why do you need to know? What is the purpose of prophecy? Can you rely on God’s promises as to what will happen? Can you be sure that prophecy will be fulfilled exactly as written in the Bible? Finally, how can you know that time is very short?”
Endure To The End
Edwin Pope | December 28, 2002
Is ‘Once saved always saved’ a legitimate concept? We see by example that God rejects those who reject Him and His teachings, and replace it with their own ideas & desires. Is God admonishing and putting in order His Church today? We learn that God does in fact purify his Church. Even in groups that He sees are producing fruit. This process is uncomfortable to endure, but something to rejoice in. As God purifies, it is important to not become deceived by false teachings. How do we endure? By looking to Christ as our example.
His Fierce Anger
Dave Harris | December 21, 2002
The fear of God is defined by reverence and awe. In order to draw near to God, we need to learn how to fear Him in this manner. This fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. The lack of willingness to listen to God stirs anger in Him. His anger is further provoked by disobedience. Hope lies in the fact that we can curtail the anger of God by earnestly repenting of our sins.
Books of the Bible II
Norbert Link | December 14, 2002
A large part of the Bible is prophecy, and in order to truly get the most from the Bible we must make all efforts to understand it. In order to correctly understand prophecy, we must first study the Bible. In our study and interpretation of prophecy, we must be sure to not read into it our preconceived ideas. Third, it is important to be obedient, because the truth is in those who keep God’s commandments. Also, in order to understand prophecy, we must be converted and learn from God’s true servants. Finally, in making interpretations, it is important to remember that the Bible interprets itself and that many prophecies in the old testament have applications for the future house of Israel.
Spiritual Growth
Edwin Pope | December 7, 2002
Grow in God’s wisdom and knowledge. There is a battle of warfare in the mind. God’s spirit is like water poured out on us. Use and utilize it.
No Lie
Dave Harris | November 30, 2002
Satan is the father of lies, deception and murder. Look deeply and examine ourselves to see if we are being deceived. Ask for deliverance and a way of escape. Draw close, watch, don’t be sleepy.
Living Faith
Edwin Pope | November 23, 2002
Will JC find faith when he returns? We receive faith before receiving what is wanted. Don’t trust our 5 senses or live by sight. Biblical examples like Shadrach and Noah. Use God’s light to shine the way so we don’t stumble.
Books of the Bible I
Norbert Link | November 16, 2002
The divisions of the Bible. An overview of several books for better understanding. Unlike those before Christ, we have the benefit of reading the Old Testament with the New Testament knowledge.
The Restoration of All Things
Norbert Link | November 2, 2002
The disciples asked Jesus Christ if he would restore at this time. Mr Link discusses what will be restored. Waste places, streets, ruins, beauty, all that is destroyed, captives returned, healing. Spiritual and physical health restored. Jesus Christ will restore rule. We are being prepared now.
The Church of God; First and Last
Dave Harris | October 26, 2002
The early church had persecution from outside and power struggles inside along with contentions. Men rise up to draw people away.
The “last” will be in existence when Jesus Christ returns. There will be persecution of the remnant of the church. Come out of her. Be awake to hear all we are given. Don’t be a foolish virgin.
Righteous Judgment
Norbert Link | October 19, 2002
Judge righteously without partiality. To know the facts we need God’s discernment. We do it without hearing or seeing but with God’s righteousness. He sees the heart. Mercy is a key in righteous judgment. Our justice system does not allow for mercy and compassion. Jesus Christ did not expect justice in this world.
Doctrine – How Important? Part 2
Edwin Pope | October 12, 2002
Withdraw from folk not in line with God’s ways. Guard treasures He has given us. Be diligent, we can effect the faith of others. Edify by our actions. Imitate Jesus Christ – keep traditions as delivered. Contend earnestly and don’t let heresy creep in. Hold fast, keep that good thing.
Doctrine – How Important? Part 1
Edwin Pope | October 5, 2002
“Left Behind” series is truth and fiction. Doctrines = teachings. Don’t add or take away. Hold fast – don’t drift from scriptures. Take heed and don’t forget. God will not stand for false worship – consequences.