Sermon Archives
Rene Messier (Canada) | October 6, 2012
With all the distractions in the world we must remain focused on our task of getting the gospel out there.
Today’s Fulfilled Prophecy
The Ministry | October 5, 2012
What makes you think we are living in the end time? Is there a specific prophecy that is being fulfilled that would lead you to believe that the return of Christ is imminent? In this casual and audience participatory Bible study, the ministry share some of their views as well as entertain questions and comments from the brethren.
The Spiritual Vineyard
Kalon Mitchell | October 4, 2012
It is easy to lose focus and become jealous of what others may have. We need to be focusing on what we can do for the Church and for each other. This is very poignantly pointed out in the Parable of the Vineyard. The Church is compared to a vineyard in many areas of the Bible.
Challenges in the Millennium
Rene Messier (Canada) | October 1, 2012
With pollution at unprecedented levels there will be challenges to clean up the oceans, rivers, land and space of junk, material and pollution left here by man.
As You Have Loved Me
Dave Harris | September 26, 2012
What would you say about this Day of Atonement—what is the underlying point and what are we supposed to learn by fasting for twenty-four hours? There are tangible reasons why we should fast, and they all involve building our relationship with the Jesus Christ and the Father.
The Right Team
Robb Harris | September 15, 2012
We must focus on the real game that rewards with eternal life, not passing pleasures. The bible is full of examples that can help us build a team of resources to draw upon when we are facing trials.