Sermon Archives
Hope For the World
Norbert Link | October 8, 2011
What is the only hope for mankind? What is the atonement for sin, which brings about forgiveness and reconciliation? Did animal sacrifices really provide the kind of atonement which God was looking for? If not, what is it, and what does the Day of Atonement symbolize?
Correction from Disobedience
Robb Harris | October 1, 2011
We must always be willing to receive correction from God, either as babes in Christ or mature Christians. Our eternal reward relies on our own desire to follow and inculcate the correction we receive into our lives.
When You Were Little in Your Own Eyes
Eric Rank | September 29, 2011
Pride is a sneaky characteristic that can cause tremendous damage to our relationship with God. It is important to always remember that all our strength comes from God, and that we need to be on guard so we can quickly prevent it from taking root in our lives.
A Memorial
Dave Harris | September 29, 2011
The Feast of Trumpets is a MEMORIAL–a celebration and reminder that we are to hold in remembrance. Not unlike other parts of God’s Holy Day Master Plan, this Feast Day is an observance of what will happen in the future!
The Feast of Trumpets in Isaiah
Norbert Link | September 29, 2011
We will explore today what the book of Isaiah tells us about the conditions of the modern houses of Israel and Judah just before and at the time of Christ’s return, and what the Church’s responsibility is in light of that understanding.
Michael Link | September 29, 2011
In Times of Trouble
Dave Harris | September 17, 2011
While there have always been problems to deal with, the intensity of the issues so many are now facing is quite striking. Through many examples and by absolute promises from God, the Bible reveals that we can have help to face our difficulties.
Mob Mentality
Robb Harris | September 17, 2011
The world has taken on a mob mentality and blindly following the subversive lead of Satan. We must put God first in our lives in order to see the destruction Satan is leading this world to.
What About the Secret Rapture? – Part 2
Norbert Link | September 10, 2011
In what way will Christ come as a thief in the night? Do the different Greek words used for Christ’s coming prove a secret rapture? What does it mean that some will be taken, and others will be left behind? Why will eagles be gathered together where the carcass and the body will be? Does God promise His elect protection at a particular place here on earth during the time of the Great Tribulation?
The Just Shall Live by Faith.
Eric Rank | September 3, 2011
How are faith and righteousness related? It is part of God’s plan to provide the
opportunity to become righteous, by overcoming sin. Is it possible to pvercome
without faith? What kind of faith do we need to have?
What About the Secret Rapture? – Part 1
Norbert Link | August 27, 2011
Will Christ’s disciples be raptured and taken to the third heaven? How is Christ’s Second Coming described? Will He return secretly or visibly? Will He return twice? Where and how did the idea of a secret rapture originate? Does the Bible teach it, and did the early New Testament Church believe in it?
Judge Not That You Be Not Judged
Michael Link | August 27, 2011
Do our actions reflect the way we should live, by being good examples? We are constantly being judged by others and especially God to see if we live a righteous life. At the same time we shouldn’t judge others, but first consider that what we are doing is right.
Dave Harris | August 20, 2011
How we view others-and by extension, even ourselves–along with
staying faithful to the wondrous calling of God has to do with how we handle the
things we know. There are things that should be forgotten and those that should
never be forgotten!
Eric Rank | August 20, 2011
Brotherly love requires transforming our thoughts to not only include the lives of others, but also to build understanding through the lives of others. The Body of Christ, the Church, is composed of many individual members, each serving a purpose and each deeply linked to one another. As such, the life of a Christian requires working together with empathy and consideration for others and the Body as a whole.
Joe Bourque | August 13, 2011
To relay the importance of really listening to God’s instruction and law for our
safety and salvation.
To also be there for each other in times of need and truly listen to be
able to give heart felt advice or help.
Its about selflessness, to care about God’s law, to learn not just enough
to get safety and salvation, but to be useful to Him and each other.
Biblical Lost and Found
Bill Grams | August 6, 2011
What is God’s biblical teaching if we find or lose a cellphone, wallet, purse, pet, or clothing; what should you and I do? 7 points: 1) world’s way, 2) God’s way, 3) 5 examples what to do, 4) we’re too busy, 5) do not hide yourself, 6) one we dislike, 7) 5 examples reducing losses.
How to Recognize Sin
Norbert Link | August 6, 2011
What is sin? How does sin start? Does sin have to be intentional? Can one sin in ignorance? Where can sin lead to? Why are hate and ill will so dangerous? How does one sin deliberately, presumptuously, maliciously or willfully? What is the unpardonable sin? Isn’t it God’s Will to forgive everybody?
God of the Old Testament
Kalon Mitchell | July 30, 2011
Can we prove from the Old Testament that there are two God beings that are in the Family of God, by only using the Old Testament? Also, who was the God of the Old Testament that spoke to Israel, that created the earth, that came to this earth as a human being to die for man kind so that they could partake in the soon coming Kingdom of God?
Beware of Compromise
Norbert Link | July 23, 2011
Even though career politicians are striving on and living for compromise, a true Christian must never compromise any of his religious convictions, as based on the Bible. So how are we to avoid compromise? The short answer is, we must strongly believe and act upon God’s commandments. For the longer answer and a detailed discussion, please listen to this sermon.
Robb Harris | July 16, 2011
| Length: 56min
The world is in direct rebellion to God because of an unacceptance of His Laws. We must be willing to give up the comfort and pleasures of Satan’s lifestyle in order to truly please God. If we do, the crown laid up for us will be attainable.