Sermon Archives
God's Plan
Eric Rank | September 26, 2010
The Bible makes the plan of God very clear. The purpose of all of His creation is to bring as many people as possible to salvation, to be part of His family in the Kingdom He will establish. If everything in God’s creation works together for the purpose of His plan, how then do we fit in? What role do we play? How can we. Become more useful to this awesome purpose designed by God? The good news is that we all have the great potential to make an immense difference if we simply understand and do what we are called to do.
Let There Be Light
Norbert Link | September 26, 2010
There must be no community between light and darkness. We are to become light, and no darkness must be in us.
Feast of Tabernacles Message – 2010
Norbert Link | September 25, 2010
In this sermon, important concepts regarding the nature of God and the potential of man are being discussed.
Trial and Tribulation
Bill Koeneke | September 24, 2010
Without question all of us suffer trials in our life–some more than others. This is a review of why we, as Christians, go through various trials and how, through the faith Jesus Christ gives us, we can overcome them.
Why Are We Here?
Rene Messier (Canada) | September 23, 2010
A look at events leading up to the return of Christ and the challenges facing us at the beginning of the millennium.
How To Observe God's Holy Days?
Norbert Link | September 23, 2010
How do we appear before God in worship services? What physical and spiritual standards do we reflect and manifest?
The Importance of Meditation
Norbert Link | September 11, 2010
The Bible tells us that we ought to meditate, together with Bible study, prayer and occasional fasting. But what exactly is biblical meditation? On what are we to meditate, and what can meditation accomplish in our lives?
Prepare for Christ's Return
Norbert Link | September 9, 2010
How are we preparing for the return of Christ, which will occur when the seventh or last trumpet sounds? We are told that Christ will come visibly–and soon. We need to watch and pray to be counted worthy–and the Bible tells us much about the proper role of a watchman. We need to become ready, looking forward to the coming of Christ.
Sorry, You're Too Late!
Dave Harris | September 9, 2010
The Feast of Trumpets pictures an absolutely pivotal moment for
the elect of God! While on the one hand it will usher in our entry into the
Kingdom of God, it will also mean that time has run out for some others. The
biblical record shows that we must not forfeit our opportunity to respond to
God’s calling.
The Act of Giving
Kalon Mitchell | September 9, 2010
Giving is an characteristic that we must develop to enter in the Kingdom of God. God gives to us freely. He gave His only Son for our sins. Giving shows love. We must come to the point where we love all people.
Letter to the Ephesians – Part 9
Norbert Link | September 4, 2010
In this ninth and final installment, we are covering the necessity of constant, vigilant and persistent prayer, as described in the sixth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We discuss the meaning of praying “in Christ’s name,” and address the concepts of prayer, supplication, intercession and giving of thanks.
Fear and Faith
Eric Rank | August 28, 2010
Gray Areas
Robb Harris | August 21, 2010
People resort to actions not in their normal behavior when lacking good choices. Without God guiding us we can lose the focus we should always have. If we linger too long in gray areas of understanding we stand the chance of losing true understanding.
Letter to the Ephesians – Part 8
Norbert Link | August 14, 2010
In this eighth installment, we are covering the whole armor of God, as described in the sixth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. As true Christians, we are not to fight against flesh and blood, but we must fight against Satan and the rulers of the darkness of this world–wicked spirits in high places. We can never win this fight, unless we have put on God’s spiritual armor.
Letter To the Ephesians – Part 7
Norbert Link | August 7, 2010
In this seventh installment, we are covering the end of the fifth chapter and parts of the sixth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We are discussing the Christian relationship between husbands and wives; parents and children; and employers and employees.
To Heal The Sick
Dave Harris | July 31, 2010
While this world is full of counterfeit, so-called, “faith healers,” the Bible, nevertheless, explicitly reveals that God does heal people. The power to heal the sick is a gift from God through His Holy Spirit, and healing is something about which Jesus Christ carefully instructed His Church.