Sermon Archives
Answered Prayers
Norbert Link | December 12, 2009
To receive answers to our prayers, we must not neglect seven all-important keys. We explain in this sermon what they are.
Those Who are Called
Dave Harris | December 5, 2009
The Bible tells the story of people whom God has called. One
remarkable account is that of Jeremiah, but his is not the only extraordinary
record of God’s calling. Among others are those in the Church of God–people who
have been called to become the first fruits of salvation. There is much said to
“those who are called”–instructions from God to assure that we each fulfill our
How to Play
Eric Rank | December 5, 2009
As we work to accomplish our goals in life, we can treat our activity in
different ways. We can do things as a means to an end or we can do things as an
end in themselves. However, each of those approaches alone is problematic if we
desire to live a life that is pleasing to God. A third, and better way to treat
our activities is in perspective, knowing that it is important to keep the end
goal in mind, but also that the means by which we work is how we will be judged.
Letter to the Galatians – Part 6
Norbert Link | November 28, 2009
In the sixth and last chapter of his letter to the Galatians, Paul discusses, among other topics, how to help a brother who is overtaken in a fault, while first considering oneself.
Letter to the Galatians – Part 5
Norbert Link | November 14, 2009
This sermon discusses the fifth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. It includes a study on circumcision, true liberty, the fulfilling of the law, the “offense of the cross,” the “works of the flesh” and the “fruit of the Spirit.”
Applying Old Testament Today – Part 3
Bill Grams | November 14, 2009
Applying 4 examples of Old Testament Laws and Teachings Today: 1)Stealing oranges, 2)Marrying outside religion, 3)Hijacking kidnapping, 4)Medical bills from a fight.
The Spirit and Power of Elijah
Dave Harris | November 7, 2009
People in the time of Jesus Christ looked for the prophetic Elijah–the one promised in the Book of Malachi. In our time individuals still look for the end time fulfillment of an Elijah to come. The story of Elijah and of those who would continue his mission is important, and that importance has pivotal significance for events that now herald the end of this age!
Eric Rank | November 7, 2009
Each and every one of us must know how to deal with the reality of our individual failures. All Christians sin, which is the example of failure. Some failures can be catastrophic, while others can be recovered from. How can catastrophic failure be avoided, and how can we recover from the failures that we encounter?
To Be Bold
Kalon Mitchell | October 31, 2009
What does it mean for a Christian to be bold in the world? From the examples of Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul we can find strength from their examples. We have our calling to uphold to the very end, and we need to do this in and through the power of the Holy Spirit. With the Help of Jesus Christ we can become bold.
What Is a True Christian?
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 31, 2009
The question of who and what a true Christian is has been hotly debated over the years. However, usually a false explanation has been given. It is not up to us to decide this matter but solely what the Scriptures reveal. This sermon covers many issues and also clearly shows that total commitment to God, His laws and His ways are of paramount importance.
Letter to the Galatians – Part 4
Norbert Link | October 17, 2009
What were the weak and beggarly elements and the pagan practices, as mentioned in Galatians 4:9-10? In what way did false teachers try to “exclude” the Galatians (Galatians 4:16)? What were the allegorical two covenants which Paul addressed, beginning in Galatians 4:22? These and other questions are addressed in our fourth installment on Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
Rene Messier (Canada) | October 10, 2009
The Eternal God
Dave Harris | October 10, 2009
The reality of God, of coming before our Creator lies ahead–for everyone! God already reveals Himself, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, and He does so in many ways. Foremost, He reveals Himself as the eternal God!
Meaning of the Last Great Day
Norbert Link | October 10, 2009
What will it be like during the Great White Throne Judgment Period? How will people come back to life? How will people live? Notice the astonishing parallels between the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment.
Last Great Day – Everyone Will Have Their Chance
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 10, 2009
God is fair and will give everyone an opportunity for eternal life in His Kingdom. Mainstream Christianity simply does not understand this wonderful truth. Those who, down through the ages, who have never even heard of the only Name by which we must be saved (Jesus Christ) will be resurrected during the Great White Throne Judgment to be given their opportunity. And those who are in the first resurrection will have their part to play in teaching the complete way of God to those billions who are in the second resurrection.
Norbert Link | October 9, 2009
Do you really seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness first? Or are you more concerned with physical possessions and accomplishments? When you die, you will leave everything physical behind. God called you to build His righteous character in your life. But do you know what godly character is, and how to develop it?
Our Image
Dave Harris | October 7, 2009
The creation of man is God reproducing after His Kind–a process that has only begun in the physical realm, and one that will find fulfillment in ways that only the few have ever yet even partially understood. What we shall be regarding this glorious future is revealed in God’s Word.
Looking Forward to Isaiah 35
Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 6, 2009
After the terrible times prophesied in the previous chapter, Isaiah 35 is full of millennial hope and descriptive of better times ahead for mankind alive at that time. On the one hand, these are about physical things but can also have deep spiritual significance. This sermon primarily looks at the wonderful physical blessings that are surely just ahead of us now.