To ban or not to ban assault rifles; victory for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania; acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann; military control of Hollywood productions; and the controversial arrest of Peter Navarro—what do all these events have in common? Do they show by example the incredible corruption in our political and legal systems? If so, what is a true Christian supposed to do? Is it too far-fetched to say that our eternal salvation may be at stake?
Why Did Trump Lose the Election?
The Democrats in the Senate are trying to prevent former President Donald Trump from ever running for office again, but will they be successful? Will the “Senate Banana Republic Show Trial,” as it has been described by some, lead to Trump’s conviction? Is this trial even constitutional, and if not, why not? What should Trump’s defense lawyers address in rebuttal of the claims made by the Democratic managers? And what is it that needs to be pointed out to get the entire picture pertaining to the 2020 election and possible future developments?
Download AudioBrexit and Trump’s Acquittal — Comments on News and Prophecy (February 1, 2020)
These seemingly unrelated events have something really big in common. What is it, and why is it so important to understand their prophetic significance in the light of God’s Masterplan?