The raid of Trump’s private property in Florida with the obvious attempt to prevent him from running for the office of President in 2024 has backfired. There is clearly an appearance of collusion between Joe Biden, the White House, the FBI and the Justice Department. Many feel that the FBI would have NEVER conducted this highly sensitive raid without the green light from Biden and Co. The raid was conducted under the pretext of discovering classified documents, but has been described by many as an unconstitutional fishing expedition. Republicans, Democrats, Independents and retired FBI agents have condemned the action. While the raid might constitute the biggest debacle for the Biden administration, Republicans have shown their support for Trump who is now clearly viewed as their candidate for the Presidential race in 2024. But more needs to, and is being addressed, in this program.
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Governmental Attacks on Freedom to Speak and to Worship–Comments on News and Prophecy, May 1, 2021
In this message, we will discuss attacks by governments and the mass media on our freedom to speak and to worship, as well as persecution and unconstitutional actions, in Germany, the USA, Canada and the UK. What all of this has in common is the creation of an autocratic and dictatorial climate in these countries.