How do we need to apply the third commandment about not using the LORD’S name in vain?

The third commandment states the following, “‘You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain’” (Exodus 20:7). Like the first two commandments, the third describes the proper relationship that man must have with God. One of the distinguishing attributes about this commandment is that it involves how the name of God is used. The act of speaking or writing His name is so important to Him that it appears prominently in the Ten Commandments. How can the use of a word be so important? Why does it matter to God how we use His name? And most importantly, how are we to understand and apply this commandment in our lives today?

To begin with, we must understand that God’s name is holy. He expressed this fact to the nation of Israel as they were introduced to His commandments and Holy Days, teaching them how He is to be worshipped properly: “‘You shall not profane My holy name, but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel. I am the LORD who sanctifies you, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD’” (Leviticus 22:32-33). Clearly, God expects that man offers Him reverence, honor, and respect. Not only does respectful behavior involve obedience to His instruction, but also that we acknowledge the holiness of His name.

Seeing that the name of God is holy and that it must be hallowed, it is important that we clearly understand what it means to use His name and refer to Him in the words that we use. Holiness is the distinguishing quality to consider. Holy things are sanctified, special, and distinguished from that which is common or ungodly (compare Deuteronomy 7:6, Ezekiel 22:26, Ezekiel 36:20, Ezekiel 44:23). Therefore, to use the name of God in a way which does not acknowledge His holiness or treats His name as a common thing is a violation of the third commandment. Likewise, since there is one God (that is, one God Family, consisting of the God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son), and the only one deserving of the name of God, to exalt another name above the true God is also a violation of the third commandment. The holiness of God requires that we glorify His name and treat it with the reverence that it requires, and do not offer that same reverence to any other man or thing.

Unfortunately, in our contemporary society, God’s holy name is widely used in ways that show disrespect rather than the glory and honor that is commanded. It is exceedingly difficult to go through a day without hearing the name of God the Father or of Jesus Christ used in combination with expletives or as an empty exclamation. The use of God’s name in ways that apply it as a common thing, or often much worse than common, is despicable to God. Such wrong use is what it means to use God’s name in vain. When His name is used for show, rather than for the purpose of respectfully referring to Him and His righteousness, the third commandment is violated. This is the clearest way in which the commandment is broken.

As an example, we can see how an individual of the nation of Israel broke this commandment when he cursed God: “And the Israelite woman’s son blasphemed the name of the LORD and cursed; and so they brought him to Moses. (His mother’s name was Shelomith the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.) Then they put him in custody, that the mind of the LORD might be shown to them. And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Take outside the camp him who has cursed; then let all who heard him lay their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him’” (Leviticus 24:11-14). The punishment sentenced when the name of God was used in the context of a curse was extremely serious. This instance of sin resulted in the penalty of death by stoning. Even though uttering words that show disrespect may seem to be a trivial act, we can see how serious God is about this commandment.

The use of God’s name in the context of a curse is a classic example of using His name in vain. Far from expressing the glorification that is commanded, the use of God’s name in the context of an evil sentiment is only for show. When we apply this principle to the use of our own language, any use of God’s name is in vain when it is used to express anything other than respect and honor to Him. The most obvious example is when God’s name is included in a statement with foul language. However, it is also a vain use of God’s name when used to express surprise or as an exclamation. Such showy use of God’s name diminishes the reverence and honor due to Him and is sinful.

Some may believe that using a substitute for God’s name in vain expressions will prevent one from violating the third commandment. However, such euphemisms must be removed from language as well. In our booklet, “Teach Us to Pray,” we write the following:

“We also defile God’s name, of course, when we use His name in vain (compare Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 19:12). To casually use expressions such as ‘My God,’ ‘O my Lord,’ or ‘Jesus Christ,’ just to utter surprise or emphasis, is therefore clearly prohibited. So is the casual use of a common German welcome greeting (‘Gruess Gott’ or, ‘Gott zum Gruss’—meaning ‘Greet God’ or ‘God as a Greeting’), or the casual use of the French or Spanish farewell expressions, ‘adieu’ or ‘adios’ (both meaning, ‘to God’).

“The same prohibition applies when we use ‘euphemisms.’ A ‘euphemism’ is defined as a substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for another felt to be too blunt or offensive. God instructs us to let ‘no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth’ (Ephesians 4:29). This prohibition applies to careless speaking or using slang expressions or euphemisms, which would profane God’s name, such as ‘gosh’ or ‘gosh almighty’ (a substitute for ‘God’ or ‘almighty God’) or ‘gee’ (a substitute for ‘Jesus’). It also applies to the careless use of words describing characteristics or concepts clearly associated with God, such as ‘my goodness’ instead of ‘my God’ (compare Matthew 19:16-17) or ‘by heaven’ or ‘for heaven’s sake’ (compare Matthew 5:34; Revelation 13:6).”

In addition to the explicit use of God’s name or a substitute of God’s name, another application of the third commandment is the sin of blasphemy. Just as the vain use of God’s holy name is a sin that defiles the glory of God, blasphemous statements or actions do the same thing. Exalting anyone above God is a blasphemous action, showing disrespect. As an example, the “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 exalts himself as God. Daniel 11:36-37 clarifies that this is an act of blasphemy, “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.” Such blatant disrespect towards God is a violation of the third commandment in the way that the name of God is applied directly or indirectly to someone other than God.

The Jews in the time of Jesus Christ believed that Jesus blasphemed the name of God when He referred to Himself in a godly context. Jesus expressed that He was the Son of God, which antagonized the so-called righteous Jews (compare Matthew 26:62-66). While the act of exalting oneself above God is an act of blasphemy, since Jesus Christ was speaking the truth in that He was and is the Son of God, His statements were not blasphemous nor sinful.

In our booklet, “God is a Family,” we explain how Jesus Christ is a member of the God Family:

“Reading in Zechariah 4:8–9: ‘Moreover the word of the LORD [in Hebrew, ‘Yahweh’] came to me, saying: The hands of Zerubbabel Have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it. Then you will know That the LORD [in Hebrew, ‘Yahweh’] of hosts has sent Me [‘Yahweh’] to you.’

“We see in this passage that the LORD [‘Yahweh’] sent the LORD [‘Yahweh’]. The expression, ‘Yahweh,’ then is applied to both God beings. As we will see in more detail, both God the Father and Jesus Christ are referred to in Scripture as ‘Yahweh’—the ‘I AM’ (compare Exodus 3:14)—basically meaning, ‘the Eternal,’ or, ‘the Ever-living One.’ This fact alone proves that both the Father and Jesus Christ have always existed—that they are God beings, and that the Old Testament teaches that there is more than just one God being.”

Since Jesus Christ is a member of the God Family, His name must also be treated with the same honor that befits God the Father. The same rules of the third commandment apply in using the name of Jesus Christ because He too is rightfully called “God.”

The way that we behave is an extension of the way that we revere the name of God as well. When we claim that we are Christians and follow God, our actions become a reflection of God’s name and all of the righteousness that it stands for. But when our behavior violates His commandments, God’s name is profaned: “‘As for you, O house of Israel,’ thus says the Lord God: ‘Go, serve every one of you his idols—and hereafter—if you will not obey Me; but profane My holy name no more with your gifts and your idols’” (Ezekiel 20:39). In this example, the nation of Israel is chastised because their actions were not obedient to God. As a result, His name was not venerated with the holiness required.

As we can see from the examples and instructions of the Bible, the use of God’s name is not to be taken lightly. The way that we use His name expresses our respect for Him, and when we use His name to express anything less than the glory and honor He is due, His name is used in vain. There are other ways in which the name of God may be defiled too. When others are exalted above God, His name is blasphemed. When we use the name of God to identify ourselves, but reject the Way of Life that He commands, His name is profaned as well. The lesson for us is clear. In all of our words and deeds, the name of God is to be glorified. The words of David offer us an excellent perspective on this matter: “I will praise You, O LORD my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore” (Psalm 86:12).

Lead Writer: Eric Rank

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Sermonettes and sermons from the 2018 Feast of Tabernacles in the US and Germany continue to be posted on our English and German websites—viewable at and at

New German Leadership Coming—Merkel’s Days Are Numbered,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The debacle in the German state election in Bavaria has once again shown that Angela Merkel’s great coalition will end soon and that Merkel’s chancellorship is coming to an end as well. But what then? Will a new leadership bring peace and harmony to the current German chaos? Or will it only get worse?

“Neue deutsche Regierung kommt—Merkels Tage sind gezählt!” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This covers the same topic as the English version described above.

“Kann biblisches Fasten wirklich helfen?” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Can Biblical Fasting Really Help?”

Comments on News and Prophecy (October 13, 2018),” presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this feature, we are commenting on the resurfacing of the frightening Nazi philosophy in our time; the coming worldwide economic crash; the explosive situation in the Middle East in light of Saudi Arabia’s atrocities; the devastation caused by hurricane Michael; America’s last President; the accelerating differences between the USA and the EU; Angela Merkel’s sinking ship; Germany’s highly controversial and dangerous far-right pro-military AfD party; the imposition of the mark of the beast on Christian values and conduct in Germany; abortions; the ongoing sex scandal within the Catholic Church; and the false teaching of the “prosperity gospel.”

“The Spirit of God, of Angels, of Man and of Animals,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible teaches the existence of a human spirit, a spirit in animals, created spirit beings such as angels and those who became demons, and the Holy Spirit of God. Most do not understand much about this. This sermon will explain the differences and point out Scriptures which are rendered ambiguously in some translations.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the (predictable) Bavarian election debacle for Angela Merkel and Germany’s grand coalition [please view our new StandingWatch program, “New German Leadership Coming—Merkel’s Days Are Numbered”]; continue with the Brexit fiasco; quote President Trump’s evaluation of the EU’s “hostile” conduct towards the USA; speak on Europe’s “need” for a finance minister and Austria’s “Wunderkind”; and report on President Trump’s nominations and appointments of openly homosexual judges to key positions.

We also speak on the controversial US-Saudi alliance (which some feel must and will end sooner rather than later).

In other news, we address Australia’s intent to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem; possible reasons for Pope Benedict’s abdication; interesting comments by Pope Francis regarding “gentle” demons; attempts by witches to place a curse on Justice Kavanaugh and others; and we discuss the question as to what causes nightmares and present some correct and many wrong beliefs of most American evangelicals.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

What Has God Done For Me?; Can Biblical Fasting Really Help?

On October 20, 2018, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “What Has God Done For Me?” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Can Biblical Fasting Really Help?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

How Deep Is Your Commitment?

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of great joy for us in God’s Church since for some of us who are scattered it is the one and only opportunity within a year to fellowship personally with God’s people. We renew old friendships, make new ones and with the spiritual food we receive, we continue to grow in grace and knowledge which is crucial for our walk with Christ.

What will it take to make you walk away from the Truth?  In the 70’s a couple we knew left the church because in their minds, prophecy was not being fulfilled fast enough. Even in the time of Christ, there were some who walked away. This seems somewhat incredible in view of the fact they witnessed firsthand all the signs, wonders and miracles which He did.

Let us look at the following example in John 6:48-58, beginning with the words of Christ who said:

”’I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.’

“The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, ‘How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?’ Then Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven—not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.'”

Note the reaction of many of His disciples, as recorded in John 6:66: “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.”

Notice: “Many” just walked away and abandoned Him. In their minds what He was saying was against laws in the Old Testament. They reasoned: “‘Eating His flesh and drinking His blood’– That’s cannibalism, and we know we are not to eat human flesh and drink blood.”

What they failed to do was to ask for an explanation as to what Christ meant by His statements. He was referring to the new Passover symbols which would be introduced by Him shortly, speaking of eating a piece of unleavened bread and drinking a little bit of wine, to picture His suffering and death. This constituted a radical change from the current practice of sacrificing and eating a Passover lamb.

Why they never questioned Him is a bit of a mystery. They just walked away, rejecting His words. When you hear something from the pulpit which doesn’t seem quite right to you, do you head for the door or do you go and ask the speaker as to what he meant by what he said?

As a speaker, sometimes things don’t come out just right as intended. It is the responsibility of the hearer to ask.

As we head into the winter months which in the northern hemisphere are long and cold, we look forward to springtime and the spring Holy Days. We will face trials and tests, as Christ told us. It is important for us not to get rattled by anything which happens to us, including imagined or real offenses, misunderstandings and illusions of our own minds, but rather, to look to the purpose of our calling and to the reward ahead.

When we face serious trials and tests, just how strong will our commitment be? Will we hold fast or will we walk away?

This Week in the News

Merkel’s Debacle in Bavarian Election

Politico wrote on October 14:

“The Bavarian wing of Angela Merkel’s center-right bloc suffered its worst result in nearly 70 years in a state election as voters abandoned Germany’s ruling parties for alternatives on both the left and right, sending a clear signal to Berlin that growing numbers of Germans are displeased with the country’s direction… the result delivered an unvarnished rebuke to the ‘grand coalition’ between Merkel’s bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD), which has been beset by infighting and controversy since it took office in March. With its support diminished, there is growing doubt over whether the government will survive its full term until the fall of 2021, at least in its current form…

“The big winners of the night were the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD)… and the Greens… The two parties’ success underscored the ongoing polarization of German politics as well as the continued resonance of the 2015 refugee crisis. One-third of voters cited migration and the integration of foreigners as the biggest problem facing the state… While the AfD attracted many disgruntled former CSU supporters upset over Merkel’s liberal approach to asylum, the Greens drew in centrist voters put off by the CSU’s often-harsh rhetoric on migration…

“The Bavarian result… is bound to fan speculation about Merkel’s own future as chancellor. She faces a further challenge at the end of October with another regional election in the state of Hesse…  A poor showing in Hesse could force Merkel to relinquish the chairmanship of the CDU at a party congress in December…”

AFP wrote on October 14:

“‘Debacle for CSU and SPD,’ ran the online headline of Bild daily, while Der Spiegel called it a ‘bitter defeat’ for Bavaria’s traditional ruling party… The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), which rails against Muslims and demands that ‘Merkel must go’… entered the 15th of Germany’s 16 state assemblies…”

The Telegraph wrote on October 14:

“The results will… add to growing calls within [Merkel’s] own party for the veteran chancellor to stand down…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The latest debacle could very well spell the end for a coalition that none of the parties really ever wanted in the first place and that in the eyes of many voters is muddling through rather than shaping crucial policies, ranging from immigration to pensions.

“… if the CDU and the SPD experience another drubbing, all bets are off on the grand coalition surviving. That could mean new elections, a CDU-run minority government, or another attempt to form a Jamaica coalition, made up of the CDU, the CSU, the pro-business Free Democrats and the Greens and so named because of the parties’ respective colors: black, yellow and green.

“None of the options are really palatable and what’s keeping the coalition together, albeit tenuously, is a lack of clear alternative.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“This election changes a lot, and not just in Bavaria… Many CSU voters in Bavaria defected to the [EU-loving] Greens because the party seems to take the Christian aspect (specifically love-thy-neighbor in matters of migration) more seriously than the conservatives… many voters still seem unwilling to be persuaded that the fear of ‘Islamization’ should outweigh reason or compassion.

“The other winner, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), is no surprise… It is a vote in protest of the mistakes made by the CSU… the Bavarian party followed a maxim of its father figure, Franz-Josef Strauss, who once said there must be no ‘democratically legitimate party’ in German politics to the right of the CSU… This worked for decades, until its leaders panicked and started copying the AfD’s policies in 2018…”

Germany’s Mainstream Parties Sound Asleep

The EUObserver wrote on October 15:

“‘The Bavarian result further destabilises Merkel and her government,’ Heinrich Oberreuter, a German academic, told The New York Times newspaper. ‘Society has changed, Bavaria has changed, and Bavarian voters have changed, but the mainstream parties have slept through that change,’ he said.”

Premature End of Grand Coalition More Likely

Der Spiegel wrote on October 15:

“The most important outcome of the election in Bavaria… is the fact that it has made the premature end of the Merkel’s governing coalition much more likely. The leaders of all three coalition partners could lose their posts in the coming weeks and months while the result has shown just how fragile the major parties’ foundations have become. Together, the CSU and SPD lost more than 20 percentage points. Meanwhile, the conservatives and the SPD together have only a razor-thin majority in recent nationwide polls.

“Germany’s governing coalition, of course, was beset by uncertainty even before the election in Bavaria. Since its start in March of this year, it has been distracted by a seemingly never-ending debate over migration and constant provocations from the CSU, which spent months campaigning on an anti-Merkel, anti-migration platform…

Many SPD members and officials want their party to leave their unloved coalition with the CDU as soon as possible. That pressure is now likely to increase…”

The grand coalition will soon fall apart, and Angela Merkel’s days as CDU party leader and German Chancellor are numbered. The real and clear alternative will manifest itself in the very near future.

The Brexit Fiasco

The Week wrote on October 15:

“It’s been two years since Britons voted to leave the EU. Why don’t they have the details worked out yet?…

“The Leave campaign said abandoning the EU would bring a financial windfall, but it’s now clear there will be large costs… Financial firms in London, and other service industries, which account for nearly 80 percent of British GDP, are expected to lose $47 billion a year once Brexit goes through. All told, 44 percent of British exports go to the EU, while just 8 percent of EU exports go to the U.K. With the U.K. desperate to preserve some kind of viable access to EU markets, the EU is in a much stronger bargaining position and has so far refused to yield at all on its core demands…

“The EU has already demanded, and won, a pledge that Britain will pay the $51 billion it owes in EU officials’ pension costs and other obligations. It is adamant that Britain cannot have unfettered access to the vast EU single market unless it adheres to all of the EU’s ‘four freedoms’ – free movement of goods, services, capital, and people. The EU says it can’t allow Britain to choose just one or two of those four commitments, lest Brexit set a precedent for other restless countries that might wish to strike their own bespoke bargains. Most importantly, the EU has taken the side of its member state Ireland in insisting that the border between the Irish Republic and the U.K. province of Northern Ireland remain open and free for travel and trade after Brexit…

“The U.K. is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. With no trade deal in place, customs checks would have to begin on all goods crossing the British border both ways. Since the U.K. doesn’t have the infrastructure to do that, trucks would back up for miles. The just-in-time supply chains that British stores and manufacturers use would be disrupted, causing shortages of food and other goods. British financial firms would lose their right to sell their services in the EU. Companies would lay off workers. The pound would plummet…

“Some British leaders… are calling for… a second referendum that would be held if Parliament rejects the final Brexit terms. May has absolutely ruled that out… Even if her government were somehow persuaded, it’s by no means clear what the outcome of such a vote would be… A… recent poll found that if given the choice now to stay in the EU or take whatever deal May strikes, 40 percent would vote Remain, 39 percent would vote Leave, and the rest are undecided…”

The Brexit is predestined to happen, and it will be extremely bad and costly for Britain.

EU Summit and Brexit

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday hinted at her openness to extending a so-called transition period ‘for a matter of months’ after Britain leaves the European Union… An extension could buy negotiators time to resolve the impasse over the Ireland-UK border, but the suggestion immediately courted criticism from within May’s own party…

“To enable an extension, Britain would have to request it and then the other 27 member states would have to agree to it… The transition period for the UK and EU is only expected to come into effect if some form of preliminary deal is struck before the UK’s scheduled EU exit in late March. In the event of a ‘no-deal Brexit,’ any transition period plans are liable to disintegrate…

“Angela Merkel’s spokesman said that members also discussed cybersecurity, migration, and the continued development of the Eurozone. Reuters also reported that EU leaders would discuss support for free trade, the Iran nuclear deal and combating global warming, but also forging relationships on these topics with China, Japan and Russia as a counterbalance to a more protectionist United States.”

Putin: Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons Only in Retaliation

ndtv wrote on October 18:

“Russians will ‘go to heaven’ as martyrs in the event of nuclear war because Moscow will only ever use nuclear weapons in retaliation, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. ‘We have no concept of a preemptive strike,’ Putin told a forum of international experts…

“‘In such a situation, we expect to be struck by nuclear weapons, but we will not use them’ first, he said. ‘The aggressor will have to understand that retaliation is inevitable, that it will be destroyed and that we, as victims of aggression, as martyrs, will go to heaven…

“Putin last year unveiled ‘invincible’ new weapons that would render Western missile defence systems obsolete. In 2016 he called for the country to reinforce its military nuclear potential.”

In our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” we explain in detail that a coming nuclear war between Russia and the West is going to happen.

EU Hostile towards USA?

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 14:

“US President Donald Trump on Sunday again railed against the trans-Atlantic trade relationship, claiming that ‘nobody treats us much worse than the European Union.’ ‘The European Union was formed in order to take advantage of us on trade, and that’s what they’ve done,’ Trump said in a televised interview on CBS…

“Trump said his hard-handed tactics against the EU were not hostile toward America’s allies. ‘You know what’s hostile? The way they treat us. We’re not hostile,’ Trump told CBS journalist Lesley Stahl after she suggested the administration was behaving in a hostile manner toward US allies.”

From now on, there will be no more peace between these two power blocs.

USA Wants to Negotiate Separate Trade Deals with the EU, the UK and Japan

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 17:

US officials formally notified the Congress on Tuesday of their intent to negotiate separate trade deals with the EU, the UK, and Japan… Under American law, the Office of the US Trade Representative is obliged to notify the lawmakers about its goals at least 30 days before the talks begin. The three accords aim to fix ‘chronic US trade imbalances’ and barriers presented to US exporters abroad…

“The move comes just weeks after the US, Canada, and Mexico renegotiated the NAFTA trade deal following opposition from US President Donald Trump. After Trump rallied against the original deal and claimed it was unfair to the US, the accord was renamed as UMSCA and tweaked in areas such as labor rights and rules of origin.

“However, striking deals with other trading partners might prove to be more complicated. French President Emmanuel Macron has said he won’t support EU trade talks with countries outside the Paris climate agreement. Trump has pulled the US from the deal last year, making it the only country in the world to formally oppose it. (Though it’s worth noting that more than a dozen signatories to the deal, including major emitters like Russia and Turkey, are yet to ratify it.) The UK is locked in tense Brexit talks and would not be able to formally negotiate any deals before defining its relationship with the EU.

“Trump’s election campaign relied heavily on promises of balancing global trade and returning manufacturing jobs to the US. However, the US trade deficit has continued to grow since he took office following the 2016 election. In August 2018, the monthly deficit reached $38.6 billion (€33.4 billion) with China and $8.7 billion with Mexico, both of them historic highs.”

Europe Needs a Finance Minister

Handelsblatt Global wrote on October 16:

“The euro is the world’s second-leading currency, but it still lags far behind the US dollar. Two-thirds of all loans issued by local banks in foreign currencies are denominated in dollars, compared to just 20 percent in euros. Similar proportions apply to global foreign-exchange reserves. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is eager to change this.

“Last month, he declared it [is] ‘absurd’ that ‘Europe pays for 80 percent of its energy import bill – worth €300 billion a year – in US dollars,’ even though only about 2 percent of the EU’s energy imports come from the US. He then called for the euro to become ‘the instrument of a new, more sovereign Europe,’ and promised to ‘present initiatives to strengthen the international role of the euro.’

“Mr. Juncker is not alone among European leaders in recognizing how powerful a tool the single currency can be when it comes to projecting power. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has proposed that the European Union establish its own international payments system. But these proposals, while ambitious, may overlook what is really needed to elevate the euro’s status…

“If Mr. Juncker’s vision is to be realized, the ECB (European Central Bank) will have to… adopt a (US) Fed-style role as international lender of last resort… The ECB… lacks a single political counterpart akin to the US Treasury Secretary for the Fed. With no euro-zone finance minister to coordinate with in times of crisis, a decision by the ECB to help third countries – even EU countries – could be met with strong resistance…  euro-zone leaders should complete the reforms of the currency union’s architecture and provide a political counterpart to the ECB (i.e., a European finance minister).”

The Austrian “Wunderkind”

The Atlantic wrote on October 16:

“Although the CSU ended up performing terribly in Sunday’s election, the party’s choice to bring in [Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian] Kurz to bolster the final days of its difficult campaign made perfect sense. Ever since last October, when Kurz and his rebranded Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) recovered from dismal polling numbers to overtake the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) in the polls and win Austria’s parliamentary elections, Kurz has been hailed as a political wunderkind whose success could serve as an example for ailing center-right parties across Europe. The Kurz electoral playbook—a combination of personality-driven, Emmanuel Macron–style ‘movement’ rhetoric and a sharp turn to the right on immigration—represents one view on how such parties can fight off (and, in Kurz’s case, ultimately work in harmony with) their far-right populist challengers.

“One year later, that assessment still looks valid: Kurz remains popular among the Austrian electorate and, were another election to be held today, polls indicate that his ÖVP may even fare better than it did last October. What’s more, the coalition Kurz built with the far-right FPÖ last December is remarkably stable despite a string of scandals implicating top FPÖ ministers and politicians… there’s little sign the ÖVP-FPÖ relationship will break down anytime soon…

“It helps that, on what is perhaps the dominant political issue in Austria these days—migration—the ÖVP and FPÖ are essentially in lockstep. Over the course of the year, they’ve proposed initiatives and discussed the issue on the European level in a way that makes it clear they are in agreement… the speed with which [controversies] blew over is a sign that, like in the United States, such scandals have become increasingly normalized—and as a result, Kurz’s coalition looks stable for the foreseeable future…”

More Homosexual Judges

Life Site News reported on October 12:

“Another homosexual judge with ties to a LGBT legal group is among President Donald Trump’s latest batch of judicial nominees, this time to the influential Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The White House announced a handful of federal appointees Wednesday, including assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Bumatay… Bumatay would also be the nation’s second openly homosexual federal appeals court judge… The White House’s press release also notes that he’s a member of the Tom Homann LGBT Law Association, an organization dedicated to the ‘advancement of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues throughout California and the nation.’

“The Homann Association has staked out a number of left-wing positions, including disappointment that the Supreme Court upheld Christian baker Jack Phillips’ right to refuse to make a cake for a same-sex ‘wedding,’ and ‘unequivocally denounc[ing]’ the Trump administration’s ban on transgender military service…

“Bumatay follows Judge Mary Rowland, an open homosexual who has ties to the left-wing Lesbian & Gay Bar Association of Chicago and Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, as the second appointee whose background raises doubts as to whether he would separate his homosexuality from his jurisprudence.”

Newsmax added on October 16:

“The three individuals Trump intends to nominate — Patrick Bumatay, Daniel Collins and Kenneth Kiyul Lee — each have Republican ties. Bumatay and Lee are members of the conservative Federalist Society, and Collins clerked for the late Justice Antonin Scalia and worked in the George W. Bush administration.”

Why the US-Saudi Alliance Must End

The Week wrote on October 11:

“Saudi Arabia is no friend of democracy, liberty, or even common decency… Back in the early 20th century, as European empires crumbled, the basic structure of the Saudi kingdom was established as a bargain between the House of Saud and local hardline clerics. The Saudi kings got political power, while the clerics were allowed great religious authority… [establishing] a tyrannical absolutist monarchy akin to the Papal States of centuries past. But gigantic oil strikes — the largest and most easily accessed in the world — allowed the Saudi government to basically purchase the quiescence of the citizenry and the goodwill of Western power. Oil kept the system tottering along — and the clerics exporting their violent, extremist version of Islam around the globe.

“As a result, most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi

“The new Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman came to power in 2017, casting himself as a liberal reformer… Since then, it has become starkly obvious that bin Salman was just setting himself up as a ruthless absolute dictator. His domestic opponents have been reportedly kidnapped, extorted, and even tortured. A Twitter account closely associated with the government baldly threatened Toronto with a 9/11-style attack, after the Canadian government criticized the Saudis for arresting a women’s rights reformer with a Canadian family… Saudis have been arming, paying, and recruiting al Qaeda as part of bin Salman’s quasi-genocidal war in Yemen…

“[America] should very obviously ditch the alliance with Saudi Arabia immediately. That kind of despicable, murderous authoritarianism has no place in the community of nations.”

Saudi Arabia’s track record has truly been appalling for a long time. The US-Saudi alliance will indeed end, in order to be replaced with a (temporary) alliance between Saudi Arabia and Europe. For more information on Saudi Arabia’s future, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Biblical Prophecy.

Saudi Arabia Denies Involvement…

The Guardian wrote on October 16:

“Some areas have been repainted at the Saudi consulate where missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was last seen alive, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has said [and that] police had found evidence of toxic materials

“In giving credence to the prince’s claims of having been unaware of what happened in the Istanbul consulate, [US secretary of state Mike Pompeo] was echoing Donald Trump who had gone on Twitter to reveal he talked to the crown prince during the meeting and said Bin Salman ‘totally denied any knowledge of what took place in their Turkish Consulate’… Later in the day, the US president claimed the Saudi royal family was being treated unfairly in the widespread assumption that it was behind Khashoggi’s disappearance from the Saudi consulate…

“Later on Tuesday, the New York Times reported that four of the Saudi suspects had links to the security detail of the crown prince, citing social media profiles, leaked records and use of facial recognition software… However, the US president said on Monday, without offering evidence, that Khashoggi could have been murdered by ‘rogue killers’, prompting speculation that the White House may be willing to protect the House of Saud, a key political and trade ally, from blame for the diplomatic crisis.

“But Senator Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican ally of Trump, described the crown prince, known by his initials as MBS, as ‘toxic’ and accused him of ordering Khashoggi’s death. ‘Nothing happens in Saudi Arabia without MBS knowing it,’ he told Fox News, warning that Congress would ‘sanction the h… out of Saudi Arabia’ over Khashoggi’s disappearance…

“Turkish officials allege they have video and audio evidence that proves Khashoggi was interrogated, tortured and murdered by a 15-man hit squad sent from Riyadh. Saudi Arabia says the claims are false, although it has offered no alternative version of events…

“Khashoggi wrote extensively for the Washington Post about Saudi Arabia, criticising its war in Yemen, the recent diplomatic spat with Canada and its arrest of women’s rights activists after the lifting of Saudi Arabia’s driving ban for women…”

Where there is smoke, there is fire; and when a bird walks like a duck, talks like a duck, eats like a duck and sleeps like a duck, there is reason to believe that the bird is not a horse.

Fox News published the following interesting statement on October 17:

“A Saudi contribution of $100 million to U.S.-backed stabilization efforts in Syria arrived in American accounts Tuesday, just as State Mike Pompeo touched down in Riyadh to discuss the missing Saudi journalist…”

The Hill wrote on October 15:

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Robert Jordan on Monday warned President Trump against accepting the Saudi government’s denials about the disappearance of a Washington Post columnist. ‘Let’s remember, this is the same King Salman who told me after 9/11 that the 9/11 attacks were an Israeli plot,’ Jordan said…”

“Why Is President Trump Letting the Saudis Push Him Around?”

The Week wrote on October 17:

“President Trump famously hates to look weak. So why is he letting Saudi Arabia push him around?

“The alleged murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi intelligence agents would seem to provide ample justification for a harsh rebuke, if not something stronger. Khashoggi was an American resident, and he appears to have been killed within the Saudi consulate in Turkey. A more blatant violation of diplomatic norms would be hard to imagine. If the Saudis can just get away with that, the White House would seem to be saying they can get away with anything.

“… there’s a long tradition of American obsequiousness toward the Saudi kingdom: President George W. Bush didn’t break with them over 9/11, nor did President Barack Obama over their support for ISIS…

“The Saudis initially refused to even take seriously international concerns about Khashoggi’s fate. And as the conversation turned to sanctions, the kingdom’s swaggering Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman leveled pointed threats to retaliate by turning off the oil spigot and sending the world economy into recession…

“Saudi Arabia is neither a powerful enemy nor a vital ally. It’s a client, dependent on American protection for its very survival. If America were to deny it arms, it couldn’t simply switch to Chinese or Russia suppliers, because our weapons are not inter-operable. Saudi Arabia’s brutal and failing war in Yemen — which looks likely to trigger the worst famine in that country in a century— is far more serious than the murder of a single journalist and is being prosecuted with active American support for the Saudi air force. But that war serves no American interest at all; indeed, our support was originally provided — by the Obama administration — to placate the Saudis, who feared an American tilt to Iran after the nuclear deal… America is no longer dependent on Gulf oil as we were in decades past…

“What’s at issue isn’t ultimately America’s moral authority. It’s our practical authority — whether we or Saudi Arabia are the dominant player in our relationship. That’s a language Trump of all people should clearly understand. The Trump administration has put a lot of chips down on the relationship with Saudi Arabia. But those are Trump’s chips, not America’s. And he’s supposed to put America first.”

Trump: Very Severe Consequences if Saudis Did It

On October 18, Breitbart reported the following:

“While speaking to reporters on Thursday, President Trump… [was] asked if he thinks Khashoggi is dead. Trump said, ‘It certainly looks that way to me. It’s very sad.’ He later added that he’s waiting on the results of various investigations.

“When asked about the consequences the Saudis will face if they are responsible for Khashoggi’s death, Trump stated, ‘Well, it’ll have to be very severe.’”

Trump Threatens to Call US Military to Close Southern Border

Fox News reported on October 18:

“The U.S. military will ‘CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER’ with Mexico if officials there don’t soon stop the northward push of a massive migrant caravan, President Trump warned Thursday, amid reports the procession had swelled in size to about 4,000 people…

“Trump tweeted Thursday morning…: ‘In addition to stopping all payments to these countries [Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador], which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught – and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!’

“The caravan… is persistently inching toward the Mexico-Guatemala border, where Mexican officials have sent 500 additional federal police officers ahead of the procession’s arrival… Mexico has said anyone with travel documents and the correct visa will be allowed to pass, and some others in the group can apply for refugee status. But officials also cautioned those who try to cross in an ‘irregular manner’ could be detained and deported…  The AP added that none of the migrants its reporters spoke to were carrying passports, which all but assures a high-stakes showdown with Mexican border officials in the coming days…

“Since 2015, the U.S. government has sent more than $2.6 billion in foreign assistance to the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Trump has repeatedly threatened to cut off that aid if the mass migration continues. The caravan set off last Friday from San Pedro Sula, Honduras’ second-largest city and a place widely considered to be one of [the] most dangerous in the world when judged by homicide rate…”

Australia May Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The Guardian, Australian Edition, wrote on October 16:

“Australia’s prime minister, Scott Morrison, is reported to be considering moving Australia’s Israel embassy to Jerusalem… Morrison [also] declared he was ‘open-minded’ on… recognising Jerusalem as the capital… the prime minister said Australia would also review the Iran nuclear deal.

“The prime minister… insisted Australia remained committed to a two-state solution… Morrison, an evangelical Christian, credited the Liberal party’s Wentworth byelection candidate Dave Sharma, a former Australian ambassador to Israel, with raising the issue, and suggesting a way forward… Wentworth… has a large Jewish community and voters will go to the polls this weekend

“Even if Australia did not move the embassy it should ‘at least consider recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital without prejudice to its final boundaries or potential status as capital of future Palestinian state,’ [Sharma] wrote on Twitter in May… ‘The idea that west Jerusalem would not be part of Israel in a two-state solution is ludicrous,’ he said…

“So far only the US and its ally Guatemala have moved their embassies to Jerusalem…

“Labor slammed the flagging of a possible change of policy on Israel and Palestine. The shadow foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, blasted the move. ‘Foreign policy, and Australia’s national interest are far too important to be played with in this fashion,’ she said.”

The announcement of the prime minister is causing strong repercussions in Australia and in other countries. Many assume it is because of a by election next Saturday which the government must win to maintain a majority of one seat, and the electorate has a high Jewish enrolment.

As mentioned in the article, the contending Liberal party candidate, Dave Sharma, was previously Australia’s ambassador to Israel and is a very intelligent Jew. Australia’s new treasurer is also Jewish. Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Scott Morrison and he had discussed the move of the Australian embassy to Jerusalem and that he thanked the Australian Prime Minister for his remarks.

Muslims and Arabs Upset

Breitbart added on October 17:

“Australia’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would strike a ‘really big blow’ that ‘will affect bilateral relations’ with neighbouring Indonesia [described in the article as “the world’s largest Muslim-majority country”], according to a message exchange between Foreign Minister Marise Payne and her Indonesian counterpart… She was joined in her condemnation by 13 Arab ambassadors in Australia who called the suggestion regrettable and asked Mr. Morrison to reconsider… In a statement seen by the Sydney Morning Herald, a spokesman said Senator Payne and her Indonesian counterpart had a ‘constructive discussion’ about the announcement and Australia was aware of Indonesia’s perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“Minister Payne emphasised that there had been no change to Australia’s commitment to the Middle East peace process and to a durable and resilient two-state solution that allowed Israel and a future Palestinian state to exist side by side, within internationally recognised borders… Australia could still support a two-state solution and recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital…

“Some of Judaism’s holiest sites are located in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem; the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron; and Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus.”

Eastern Jerusalem Consulate Will Merge with US Embassy

JTA wrote on October 18:

“The U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which primarily serves Palestinian-Americans, will merge with the U.S. embassy, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced. The consulate on Agron Street in the center of western Jerusalem will merge operations with the new Israeli embassy in Arnona, on the eastern-western seam of the 1967 lines that divided the city… Pompeo said that he asked U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman to ‘guide the merger.’…

“The statement added that the merger ‘does not signal a change of U.S. policy on Jerusalem, the West Bank, or the Gaza Strip,’ but rather is driven by ‘our global efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations.’ Pompeo emphasized that ‘the United States continues to take no position on final status issues, including boundaries or borders.  The specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status negotiations between the parties.’”

Israel and US Postal Services Issue Joint Hanukkah Stamp

JTA wrote on October 18:

“The stamp also is meant to celebrate 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the United States, Israel Post said in a statement. The new stamp design was launched simultaneously in the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, the oldest synagogue in the United States, and at the American Center in Jerusalem.

“‘Today’s joint stamp issue is a symbol of the shared values and the cultural affinity between the United States and Israel,’ U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said at the Jerusalem ceremony. Postal Service Judicial Officer Gary Shapiro said in Rhode Island: ‘Starting today, this work of art celebrating the Jewish Festival of Lights will travel on millions of letters and packages, throughout America and around the world.’

“The stamp art features a Hanukkah menorah created using the technique of papercutting, a Jewish folk art, by artist Tamar Fishman. Behind the menorah is a shape that resembles an ancient oil jug representing the miracle of the oil that burned in the candelabra in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its sacking and recapture for the eight days necessary to resupply. Additional design elements include dreidels and a pomegranate plant with fruit and flowers.

“The stamp is being issued in the United States as a Forever stamp, which will always be equal in value to the current first class mail one-ounce price. It will sell in Israel for 8.30 shekels, the cost of a regular first-class stamp. Hanukkah begins at sundown on Dec. 2.”

Why Pope Benedict Resigned

Bild Online wrote on September 20:

“Five years ago, Pope Benedict XVI (91) resigned… Now shocking letters written by the retired Pope have surfaced that will be highly interesting to church historians. The letters… show that Benedict XVI is deeply concerned about the state of the Church…

“There had indeed been papal resignations in the past, Benedict wrote. One example was Pope Pius XII (1876-1958) who, in 1944, aimed to avoid being ‘arrested by the Nazis’ by stepping down. What is interesting is the comparison to a Pope threatened by the Nazis. Who did Benedict feel threatened by? ‘Pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves,’ Benedict XVI said at his inauguration. Who are the wolves?

“Professor of Philosophy and Vatican expert, Armin Schwibach (53), told BILD: ‘By “the wolves”, he probably meant the network of high-ranking Church dignitaries who have created a system of power, and abuse of power, in the Vatican, and whom he felt unable to cope with.’

“Was Benedict even concerned about being poisoned by henchmen of this network? The ‘Spiegel’ reported in May 2015 that, in October 2012, the president of the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigations allegedly travelled to Rome to review gaps in the food preparation for the Pope. Even more interesting: When, given the bewildered state of the Church following the Pope’s resignation, [a] cardinal criticized by the Pope wrote back: ‘May the Lord help his Church’, Benedict replied once more – and with a remarkable sentence. He wrote: ‘Let us rather pray, as you did at the end of your letter, that the Lord will come to the aid of his Church.’ So did the former Pope think that the Church had entered a crisis under his successor, and that only praying would help in this crisis?

“Benedict’s successor, Pope Francis, is currently facing accusations of having supported a powerful US cardinal despite knowing that Benedict had punished him for sexual offences. The editor-in-chief of the Katholische Nachrichtenagentur (Catholic News Agency, KNA), Ludwig Ring Eifel (58), told BILD: ‘The letters allow for fascinating insights into Benedict XVI’s thinking – he is obviously very concerned about the state of the Church.’ Benedict’s private secretary, Arch Bishop Georg Gänswein (62), did not want to comment on the letters to BILD. He recently chose to compare the situation of the Church – shaken by abuse scandals and systematic cover-ups – to the terror attacks of September 11 in New York. The Church, he said, is currently experiencing ‚its own 9/11‘.“

Beware of “Gentle” Demons

Vatican News wrote on October 12:

“Pope Francis celebrated Mass Friday morning at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, saying that when the devil cannot destroy head on with vices, wars or injustices, he does so subtly with guiles, gradually leading people into the spirit of the world, making them feel nothing is wrong… When the devil takes possession of a person’s heart, the Pope said, he makes it his home not wanting to leave, and tries to ruin the person and harm him even physically…

“The Pope said [the devil] make us feel comfortable that we are Christians, Catholics who go to Mass and pray.  We do have our defects, our sins, but everything seems to be in order…  Working silently, [demons] make friends and persuade you on the road to mediocrity, making you ‘lukewarm’ with worldliness… [The Pope] urged Christians to watch out against falling…  ‘into this spirit of the world’, which ‘corrupts us from within’.”

Satan pretends to be an angel of light. Many times, he is very subtle by using his evil devices in deceiving and taking hold of unsuspecting people.

Witches on Display

CNS News reported on October 11:

“Witches plan to place a public hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh through an occult ritual on Oct. 20 in New York City, an event sponsored by Catland Books, which describes itself as ‘Brooklyn’s premiere occult bookshop & spiritual community space.’ The planned ritual has been advertised on Facebook… It further states that 50% of the event proceeds will go to charity: 25% to the Ali Forney Center and 25% to Planned Parenthood.

“The Ali Forney Center is a homeless shelter and help center for LGBTQ youth. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. It received $543.7 million in taxpayer funding for the year ending June 30, 2017, reads its latest annual report…

“According to the Oxford English Dictionary, to hex, as a verb, means to ‘cast a spell on; bewitch.’ As a noun, hex means ‘a magic spell; a curse.’”

We know, of course, that witches cannot cast a spell on or bewitch someone successfully UNLESS the person believes that it is possible. Then, he opens himself up to evil influences from the dark spirit world.

What Causes Nightmares?

Fox News reported on October 13:

“Trauma survivors — specifically those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) — are more likely to experience nightmares. In fact… up to 90 percent of those with PTSD have reported ‘disturbing dreams with some degree of resemblance to the actual traumatic event’…  Separately… more than 50 percent of Vietnam War veterans with PTSD said they experienced nightmares ‘fairly often,’ while only 3 percent of civilians reported the same…

“Nightmares can also be associated with other psychiatric diagnoses, such as depression or insomnia, and can similarly affect children… children’s nightmares are typically triggered by losing a pet or moving away from friends… Others who suffer from sleep paralysis… have been known to experience horrifying, dream-like hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up…

Sleep deprivation has been linked to a variety of health issues, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, negative impacts on both short and long-term memory, mood changes, poor balance, among other side effects. In extreme cases, frequent nightmares can ‘dramatically increase the risk of suicide’…”

In a sidebar, Fox wrote: “Once people start paying attention to their dreams, a whole world opens up. …Dreams can be a parallel to how people see their lives.”

Dreams can be very deceptive when we pay close attention to them. We might even fabricate a “dream world” for ourselves which we believe to be real, while it is nothing but an illusion. Another major reason for nightmares is the watching of horror movies and the involvement with the occult and the demonic world during waking hours. While Satan cannot attack us when we sleep, he most certainly can do so when we are awake, and our brain keeps working when we sleep.

Interesting View Points by American Evangelicals

Christianity Today reported the following on October 16:

“A majority of US adults (59%) say that the Holy Spirit is a force, not a personal being.”

This is good news, as the Holy Spirit is NOT a Being, but indeed God’s power emanating from the Father and the Son.

A few additional concepts are also understood correctly by a majority of evangelicals, such as:

“… salvation is found in Christ alone (62%, up from 53% in 2016) and… Jesus Christ will return to judge the world (64%, up from 55% in 2016).”

“On abortion… a ‘slim majority’ of Americans believe that the procedure is a sin (52% vs. 38%), including 57 percent of those ages 18 to 34.”

However, other concepts in which most American evangelicals believe, are clearly wrong and also quite inconsistent, such as:

“God accepts the worship of all religions (51%)

Jesus was the first and greatest being created by God the Father (78%)

“97 percent of evangelicals do believe that ‘there is one true God in three persons’…

“… more Americans agree than disagree that ‘the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn’t apply today’ (44% vs. 41%)…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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