This Week in the News

Will Europe Break With the United States?

On September 24, 2022, the Ron Paul Institute republished the following article by

“I received a great question from a German reader who also happens to be a journalist. He asked, ‘What would be a way and what would be the practical implications if Europe in general and Germany in particular were to break with the US in order to find a European peace and economic framework including Russia?’

“The craven sycophancy demonstrated by Germany, France and the United Kingdom in their passionate embrace of America’s confrontation with Russia is now on life support. Despite continued bombastic threats to keep arming Ukraine until Russia collapses, economic reality is hitting the Europeans like an icy cold shower from a fire hose. Rapid inflation, particularly in the energy sector, is forcing factories and businesses to shutter operations. The de-industrialization of Europe, especially Germany and the UK, has started. German steel plants are closing, German bakeries are trying to figure out how to pay soaring utility bills while still making bread and pretzels and German toilet-paper manufacturer Hakle GmbH has applied for insolvency proceedings in self-administration…

“So, the economic situation in each of the countries is going to create enormous domestic pressure for the respective European governments, which currently are cheer-leading Ukraine and cursing Russia, to rethink their policies. The Russia/Ukraine war already has created significant fissures among EU members, with Hungary refusing to impose further sanctions on Russia. Cold, hungry voters will become increasingly outraged at sending millions of dollars to Ukraine while deprivation multiples from Berlin to London.

“Europe’s rift with Russia is huge and Russia is not in a mood to forgive… Russia holds the critical trump card–it can turn on the flow of gas and oil essential to rekindle manufacturing and home heating in Europe…

How about Europe breaking with NATO? Or, more simply put, the breakup of NATO. Up to this point Europe has embraced the delusion that Russia cannot function economically without a European market. The last six months of Russia’s Special Military Operation have proven that the opposite is true–without Russia’s key resources Europe is a dead economy walking naked into a frozen winter.

“Europe’s two largest trading partners are China and the United States. Europe runs a trade deficit with China. If China demands payment in dollars, rather than Euros, then the inflationary pressure on Europe will escalate… the value of the US dollar has soared relative to the Euro and British pound sterling. They will have to spend more Euros to buy dollars, which means the trade deficit with China is likely to worsen.

“The situation with the United States is the opposite. The United States has run a deficit with Europe who, in turn, has enjoyed a surplus. That surplus will go away or, at a minimum, shrink dramatically. Germany’s ability to export products to the United States will weaken because of the price of the dollar and because European factories will close or cut back on production.

“Barring a miracle turnaround–i.e, inflation disappears and the energy crisis dissipates–the situation in Europe will become more dire. The history of these kinds of economic upheaval is littered with the corpses of politicians that insisted on pushing policies that hurt their voters. Germany’s [Weimar] Republic’s failure paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler to power

The United States is facing its own looming economic disaster. The collapse of the stock market–now down over 20% since the first of the year–is likely to continue. Notwithstanding the Biden administration’s strident insistence that there is no recession, the signs of recession are mounting, especially in the housing market. But the worsening economic picture is not yet sufficient to generate the necessary political pressure among the… American electorate to back away from sending billions to Ukraine. A major shock of stagflation or a collapse of the Ukrainian army, however, could change that calculus…

“Russia’s burgeoning trade and military relations with China, Iran, India and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Brazil is making Putin’s position stronger, not weaker. The eventual collapse of Ukraine as a result of a wrecked economy and/or battlefield defeats, will be more than a black eye for NATO and, by extension, Europe… The age of the United States’ Colossus is nearing its end…”

Very true on all counts.

The USA Would Lose World War III?

The Daily Mail wrote on September 24:

“Former President Trump said he hopes [he] is ‘wrong’ about the possibility of World War III because the U.S. is being run by ‘stupid people’ at a rally in Wilmington, N.C. on Friday…, as he predicted the U.S. would lose a conflict to Russia.”

The US WILL lose World War III, but the victor will be a United States of Europe.

Clinton: Trump the New Hitler?

Newsmax wrote on September 24:

“Hillary Clinton on Friday likened former President Donald Trump’s supporters to Nazis, and Trump himself to Adolf Hitler. ‘I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler. How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, “What’s happened to these people?”’ Clinton said Friday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, miming the Nazi Sig Heil salute.

“‘You saw the rally in Ohio the other night,’ she continued… ‘Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, “What is going on?”’…

“Clinton’s comments come after President Joe Biden at the beginning of September referred to the ‘MAGA’ voters of Trump as a threat to the United States.”

The verbal assassinations on all sides, with potential PRACTICAL consequences, are increasing.

Newsom Guilty of Biblical Distortion

Fox News wrote on September 22:

“Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking flak from Christians who are offended by his multi-state billboard campaign that promotes abortion by quoting Jesus. Last week, Newsom took to Twitter to tout the billboards his gubernatorial campaign is erecting in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and four other ‘anti-freedom’ states where abortion is restricted or outlawed. Some versions of the billboards, all of which urge women in such states to come to California to get abortions, advertise the state’s easily obtainable abortions by quoting Mark 12:31, where Jesus says, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.’

“The idea that Newsom is using the words of Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, to promote the killing of unborn children as somehow loving and commanded by God is quite frankly disgusting,’ said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice, in a statement to Fox News Digital…

“Many Twitter users echoed Sekulow’s sentiment, including Matthew P. Schneider, a Roman Catholic priest who serves as adjunct professor of theology at Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, North Carolina. He described Newsom’s billboards as ‘one of the [worst] distortions of a Bible passage I’ve ever seen.’ ‘Shame on [Newsom] and his government,’ Schneider said. ‘The most basic level of loving your neighbor as yourself is not killing your neighbor, yet that’s exactly what abortion does.’…

“‘Good Catholic’ [Newsom] is now using Bible scriptures to encourage women to come to California to abort their babies,’ wrote David Giglio, a former congressional candidate who is also a Catholic. ‘A truly shameful display…’”

Other leading Democrats have taken similar positions as Newsom on the issue of abortion, when citing the Bible.

The US Government… Not To Be Trusted

On September 22, the Ron Paul Institute republished the following article by the Rutherford Institute:

“The US government has become a master of deceit… This is a government that lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn; treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, bartered, traded, and tracked; and wages wars for profit, jails its own people for profit, and has no qualms about spreading its reign of terror abroad.

“Worse, this is a government that has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting…

“With every passing day, it becomes painfully clear that this is not a government that can be trusted with your life, your loved ones, your livelihood or your freedoms….

“[We] have the makings of a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

“We’ve already seen this play out on the state and federal level with hate crime legislation that cracks down on so-called ‘hateful’ thoughts and expression, encourages self-censoring and reduces free debate on various subject matter.

“The end goal of these mind-control campaigns—packaged in the guise of the greater good—is to see how far the American people will allow the government to go in re-shaping the country in the image of a totalitarian police state.

“The government’s fear-mongering is yet another key element in its mind-control programming. National crises, global pandemics, reported terrorist attacks, and sporadic shootings leave us in a constant state of fear. The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex or the rational thinking part of our brains…

“Fear not only increases the power of government, but it also divides the people into factions, persuades them to see each other as the enemy and keeps them screaming at each other so that they drown out all other sounds…”

Biden’s Embarrassing Errors

The New York Post wrote on September 28:

“President Biden asked for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski to identify herself at a Washington event Wednesday, forgetting that the Indiana Republican died in a car crash last month. Biden made the embarrassing error while thanking bipartisan members of Congress at a nutrition event near the White House. ‘I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like Representative [Jim] McGovern, Senator [Mike] Braun, Senator [Cory] Booker, Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie? — I think she was going to be here,’ the president said.

“Biden, 79, is the oldest-ever president and his mental acuity is regularly questioned by his political foes…

“The White House on Aug. 3 released a statement from Biden mourning [Jackie] Walorski after she perished in an Indiana wreck alongside her press secretary, Emma Thomson, and St. Joseph County Republican Party chairman Zachery Potts… ‘Jill and I are shocked and saddened by the death of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Indiana along with two members of her staff in a car accident today in Indiana,’ Biden said at the time… The flag atop the White House was flown at half-staff for two days after Walorski’s death and the congresswoman’s brother, Keith Walorski, told the Post that Biden called the family to offer his condolences.

“Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, allege that Biden is in mental decline. Those claims resurfaced after video showed first lady Jill Biden directed her husband where to go during another event Wednesday celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act…

“Biden’s record of forehead-slapping statements includes asking Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham to stand up during a 2008 campaign event — before realizing too late that Graham was in a wheelchair…

“The president also has a habit of using improper words at awkward points in speeches. During a Middle East trip in July, for example, Biden told an audience in Israel that ‘we must … keep alive the truth and honor the Holocaust’ before correcting himself to say ‘horror of the Holocaust.’  Days later, in Saudi Arabia, Biden said during a speech: ‘We’ll always honor the bravery and selfishness — selflessness of the — and sacrifices of the Americans who served, including my son, Major Beau Biden, who was stationed in Iraq for a year.’

“Meanwhile, the president has regularly shared stories that either are false or impossible to verify. In January, Biden told students at historically black colleges in Atlanta that he was arrested during civil rights protests — for which there is no evidence. Biden in September 2021 told Jewish leaders that he remembered ‘spending time at’ and ‘going to’ the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the mass murder of 11 people there in 2018. The synagogue said he never visited and the White House later said he was thinking about a 2019 phone call to the synagogue’s rabbi.

“Also last September, Biden told an Idaho audience that his ‘first job offer’ came from local lumber and wood products business Boise Cascade. The company said it was news to them and Biden had not previously described an interest in moving to the state.

“And In May, Biden said at the Naval Academy’s graduation ceremony that he was appointed to the military school in 1965 by the late Sen. J. Caleb Boggs (R-Del.). A search of Boggs’ archives failed to turn up evidence of the appointment.”

Canada Removes All COVID-19 Travel Measures

National Post wrote on September 26:

“The federal government is removing all remaining COVID-19 related travel measures, ending masks on planes, vaccine mandates and the mandatory use of the ArriveCan app… Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said the government had been following the science and now believes it is safe to relax these measures, starting Oct. 1.

“‘Based on the data accumulated over the last few weeks and months, we are announcing that the Government of Canada will not renew the order in council that expires on September 30 and will therefore remove all COVID-19 border requirements for all travellers entering Canada,’ he said… He strongly advised Canadians to get vaccinated and receive third or even fourth doses…

“Airlines, airports, tourism associations and other groups all called for the government to abandon the app and vaccine mandates months ago. Many other countries have scrapped similar requirements, though people travelling into the United States are still required to show proof of vaccination.”

It is hoped that the USA will likewise remove all travel restrictions very soon.

Russia’s Desperate Attempts to Win the War

AFP wrote on September 25:

“Russia on Saturday toughened penalties for voluntary surrender and refusal to fight with up to 10 years imprisonment, and replaced its top logistics general after a series of setbacks to its seven-month war in Ukraine. The tough new amendments and personnel change come days after Russia instigated partial mobilization with Kyiv taking back more and more territory in a counter-offensive. It also comes as Kremlin-held regions of eastern and southern Ukraine voted for a second day on becoming part of Russia, dramatically raising the stakes. Integrating the four regions into Russia would mean that Moscow would consider any military move there as an attack on its own territory

“Military-age men have sought to leave, with flights full and neighboring countries receiving an influx of Russians, including Georgia where 2,300 private vehicles were waiting to enter at one crossing, regional Russian authorities said… A separate law, also signed on Saturday, facilitates Russian citizenship for foreigners who enlist in the Russian army as the Kremlin seeks to bolster its ranks…

“UN investigators on Friday accused Russia of committing war crimes on a ‘massive scale’ in Ukraine — listing bombings, executions, torture and horrific sexual violence. In the eastern Kharkiv region, Ukrainian officials said they had exhumed 447 bodies from a site near the city of Izyum, which was recaptured from Russian forces. The Kremlin has accused Kyiv of fabricating evidence of the alleged war crimes.”

Newsmax wrote on September 25:

“The United States warned on Sunday of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia’s foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow…”

The U.S. Sun wrote on September 28:

“RUSSIA claims to have won the ‘SHAM’ referendums as voting ended in Russian-held regions of Ukraine. Moscow-installed officials in the regions are now claiming almost total support among those who took part as Russian sources reported that 96% of voters want to join Putin’s regime.

“The ballots closed in Donetsk and Lugansk in the east and Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in the south… Western leaders have already slammed the votes.”

Nord Stream Pipeline Network Sabotaged?

Breitbart wrote on September 21:

“The Kremlin said on Tuesday that it cannot rule out ‘sabotage’ as the cause of significant damage to the Nord Stream pipeline network that carries gas from Russia to Germany. The same thought occurred to various European officials as they turned gimlet eyes upon Russia as a potential suspect…

“‘The multiple undersea leaks mean neither pipeline will likely deliver any gas to the EU over the coming winter, irrespective of political developments in the Ukraine war. Depending on the scale of the damage, the leaks could even mean a permanent closure of both lines,’ a notice from the Eurasia Group, a risk consulting firm, said on Tuesday… ‘We are talking about three leaks with some distance between them, and that’s why it is hard to imagine that it is a coincidence,’ Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen observed.”

Germany’s Olaf Scholz Battle With the New York Times

The New York Times wrote on September 25:

“Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany gets right to the point when asked why his country will not send battle tanks to Ukraine: It is ‘a very dangerous war,’ he said. Ukraine has made gains recently against Russia, which invaded the country in February, and has been asking the West for reinforcements. But Germany has declined to lead the way in sending that aid… it took months and the threat of a parliamentary vote before [Scholz] approved any shipments of heavy weapons…

“But Mr. Scholz has refused to provide Ukraine with Leopard battle tanks or Marder infantry fighting vehicles, which Ukrainian officials have repeatedly asked for… Mr. Scholz’s refusal — which goes against the will of many even inside his own governing coalition — has earned him noisy and near-unanimous criticism among Germany’s Eastern European neighbors, not least in Ukraine. Commanders along the front say the Germans’ reluctance to provide battle tanks points to a policy of seeking a negotiated settlement along existing lines, rather than a Ukrainian success in pushing out the Russians…

“Pressed on that question in the interview with The Times, Mr. Scholz bristled. ‘Leadership does not mean you do what people ask you,’ he said. ‘Leadership is about taking the right decisions and to be very strong. And this is what I’m doing.’… In the interview, Mr. Scholz rejected any suggestion that the United States might in fact welcome Germany’s stepping up and taking the lead on sending battle tanks, which are cumbersome to transport, especially across an ocean… But after Ukraine’s successful counteroffensive, the U.S. Embassy in Berlin posted on Twitter what many interpreted as a veiled invitation to Germany: ‘We call on all allies and partners to lend as much support as possible to Ukraine in its struggle for democratic sovereignty,’ the embassy tweeted. ‘The decision on the type of aid ultimately lies with each country.’

“This month’s battlefield gains by Ukrainian forces have only added to the pressure on Mr. Scholz, whose government has cited different reasons at different times for not sending tanks. After Mr. Scholz’s defense minister, Christine Lambrecht, said this month that Germany had to hold onto its tanks to fulfill its obligations to NATO, the alliance’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said that arming Ukraine was more important…

“Even within Germany, impatience has been building. ‘All of Europe is waiting for Germany to make the first step,’ said Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, a member of the Free Democrats, one of the three parties in Mr. Scholz’s coalition government, and the head of the parliamentary defense committee.

“Mr. Scholz’s caution was also evident during the interview in his reluctance to detail his own vision for how the war might end… Did he want Ukraine to win? ‘Russia can’t win,’ was as far as he would go…

“For a chancellor with a robotic manner that long ago earned him the nickname ‘Scholz-o-mat,’ there were moments during the sometimes tense interview with The Times when Mr. Scholz was surprisingly emotional when reacting to questions that challenged him. Several times, he berated journalists for asking those. Asked why Germany will still not spend 2 percent of gross domestic product on military spending in the next couple of years, as Mr. Scholz has said it would, he snapped: ‘Asking that question is not serious, to be very honest.’

“But Mr. Putin’s veiled threat last week of a tactical nuclear strike when he was announcing the force buildup and promising to see the war through has been resonating in Berlin. ‘Unfortunately, nuclear blackmail seems to be working in Germany,’ said Claudia Major, the head of security policy at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin. ‘If the chancellor is serious about leading, he will have to show initiative and, yes, step up,’ Ms. Major said. ‘Doing a lot and leading is not the same thing.’”

Scholz’s claim that he is a strong leader is a bad joke.. and a tragic self-illusion… His inability to lead is more than obvious.

Italy’s Move to the Right

ABC News wrote on September 24:

“Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), could become the first female prime minister in the history of Italy…

“The archconservative of Italian politics, Meloni entered politics at age 15 in 1992, joining the neo-fascist Social Movement, a group with pronounced sympathy for Benito Mussolini, the country’s dictator from 1925 to 1945. Fratelli d’Italia’s party imagery evokes Italy’s fascist past…

“The collapse of Draghi’s government in July threw Italy into a familiar political tumult… The right wing, though, has joined forces. Polls indicate Meloni will be the leading conservative finisher on Sunday; her government’s junior partners would be Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, and Silvio Berlusconi, the head of the center-right Forza Italia. Berlusconi, the media tycoon and conservative firebrand, rose to power in 1994 and won three stints as prime minister, in total the longest serving premier in the post-war era. Salvini has been seen as the conservative in the wings of Palazzo Chigi, while Meloni had led the smaller Fratelli d’Italia, distant from the mainstream…

“Anticipation for a far-right surge in Rome, which would follow closely behind Tuesday’s stunning electoral victory for the Swedish Democrats, a party with neo-Nazi origins, has already provoked barbed remarks from Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission chief. Von der Leyen was not keen to veil Brussels’ posture toward a government that could move to subvert democracy…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 26:

“The center-right coalition led by nationalist Giorgia Meloni secured a parliamentary majority in Italy’s general elections on Sunday, according to exit polls… the main center-left group, the Democratic Party, conceded defeat… Although she has been known for her euroskeptic stance, she has abandoned her calls for Rome to ditch the eurozone. Instead, she wants Italy to assert its interests more in the European Union.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Polish counterpart, Mateusz Morawiecki, congratulated Meloni after exit polls showed that her coalition was winning. ‘In these difficult times, we need more than ever friends who share a common vision and approach to Europe’s challenges,’ said Orban’s political adviser Balazs Orban. Lawmakers from the German far-right AfD party and the French National Rally party have also hailed the right-wing victory in Italy. ‘We celebrate with Italy!’ AfD lawmaker Beatrix von Storch wrote late Sunday on Twitter. ‘Sweden in the north, Italy in the south: left-wing governments are yesterday’s news,’ she wrote…

“Given the complicated electoral system and the likelihood of coalition negotiations, the first session of the new parliament and formation of a new government is liable to take weeks, as it tends to in Germany after a national vote.”

The Associated Press wrote on September 26:

“Differences among Meloni’s potential coalition partners could loom. She has solidly backed the supplying of Ukraine with arms to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. In contrast, right-wing League leader Matteo Salvini, who before the war was a staunch admirer of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has voiced concern that Western sanctions could end up hurting Italy’s economic interests more that punishing Russia’s.

“Former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, another long-time Putin admirer, has said that his inclusion in a center-right bloc’s coalition would guarantee that Italy stays firmly anchored in the European Union and one of its most reliable members…

“What kind of government the eurozone’s third-largest economy might be getting was being closely watched in Europe, given Meloni’s criticism of ‘Brussels bureaucrats’ and her ties to other right-wing leaders. She recently defended Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban after the European Commission recommended suspending billions of euros in funding to Hungary over concerns about democratic backsliding and the possible mismanagement of EU money.”

Further developments in Italy could be significant, from a prophetic standpoint.

What Italy’s Election Could Mean for the USA

On September 26, The Ron Paul Institute wrote the following:

“Sunday was an historic election day for Italy. A conservative alliance with a populist flair absolutely trounced the technocrats who had been running the country into the ground for the past several years. The previous prime minister, former Goldman Sachs banker Mario Draghi, implemented one of the most restrictive – and inhuman – Covid shutdowns, which, along with supporting economically suicidal sanctions against Russia, have left Italy an economic basket case…

“Ironically, the democratic victory of Meloni and the rest of the Italian right likely owes a great deal of gratitude to one of Europe’s most undemocratic and anti-democratic leaders: European Union Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen… her message to Italian voters was ‘yes you can vote, but if you vote in a way I do not approve of, you will be punished.’ Italians rushed to vote in a way she did not approve of. It will be interesting to see what happens.

“How does any of this relate to the United States as the US moves closer to the midterm elections? Americans have also been given warnings by the political elites that they dare not vote for the ‘wrong’ candidates or parties.

“On September 1st, President Biden issued a warning similar to that of Europe’s von der Leyen. In one of the most bizarre speeches in political history, Biden warned that Trump supporters ‘…are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.’… it was a declaration of war against half of the country.”

It is also very interesting that America has been taken backwards under Biden in many different ways when considering the threats and attempts of abandoning constitutional rights of America’s citizens.

British Pound at All Time Low

BBC wrote on September 27:

“The pound has fallen to a record low against the dollar… If the pound stays at low levels against the dollar, imports of commodities priced in dollars, including oil and gas, will be more costly. Other imported goods could also become considerably more expensive, further pushing up inflation which is already at its highest rate for decades….

“Many people don’t think about exchange rates until it’s time to swap money for a foreign holiday. When you travel abroad, things will be more expensive if the pound buys less of the local currency. However, a fall in the pound affects household finances too.

“If the pound is worth less, the cost of importing goods from overseas goes up. For example, as oil is priced in dollars a weak pound can make filling up your car with petrol more expensive. Gas is also priced in dollars.

“Technology goods, like iPhones, that are made abroad, may get more expensive in UK shops. Even things that are made in the UK but from parts that are bought abroad can get much more expensive.”

The Catholic Church and Antichrist

LifeSiteNews wrote on September 23:

“Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller revealed in a new interview that during the discussions at the recent 29–30 August meeting of the College of Cardinals in Rome, a newly appointed cardinal and key papal advisor suggested that the power of the Pope over the Church is ‘unlimited.’ Müller reported that Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S.J., a canon lawyer who helped the Pope with his curial reform, presented the ‘theory of the papacy as an unlimited power of divine right over the whole Church, as if the Pope were a Deus in terris [God on earth].’

“The German cardinal explained further that the ‘new cardinal Ghirlanda, S.J, as the most important advisor to the Pope in the reform of the curia, holds the view that everything the popes have ever said or done in the history of the Church is a dogma or a law de jure divino [by divine right].’…

“Müller made it clear that ‘the Pope has no authority to change the teaching of the Church.’ That teaching, he expounded, is ‘anchored in the revelation of God.’ ‘For in doing so, he would exalt himself as a man above God,’ he added.

“…the German bishops think they can make up a new teaching that is not loyal to the Church’s constant teaching. They do not only want to change the Church in Germany, the German prelate explained, but they want to carry their reforms to Rome. ‘In their blind arrogance,’ he stated, ‘they are not thinking of schism, but of taking over the Universal Church…They claim the leading role in the Universal Church.’… And here Cardinal Müller made a reference to the Antichrist: ‘Their [the German bishops’] goal is the transformation of the Church of the Triune God into a worldly welfare organization (NGO).

“‘Then we would finally have arrived at the “religion of universal brotherhood,” i.e. a religion without the God of revelation in Christ, without a truth that reaches beyond finite reason, without dogmas and sacraments as means of grace necessary for salvation – just as the great Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Soloviev described it in his writing Short Narrative of the Antichrist (1899). The world ruler of the universal philanthropy without God is contradicted here by Pope Peter II by hurling the confession against the Antichrist, who has spread himself on the throne of God…

“‘The German cardinal reminded Catholics of their duty, in light of this extreme Church crisis, to defy the commands of the Antichrist and his minions and to stay loyal to Jesus Christ and witness to Him… In a world where people presume to be God, to recreate themselves and to redeem themselves (cf. the main advisor of the New World Order: Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus [Man is God]), for us Christians there remains only the testimony of the word and, if necessary, of blood, that only the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior, because He has overcome the world, its arrogance and its sin and death as the wages of sin.’”

The reality is, popes have exalted themselves above God, and the final representative will do so even more. He will sit in the temple of God, claiming to be God. This, in conjunction with other developments, will be the ultimate fulfillment of the “abomination of desolation.”

 Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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