This Week in the News

We begin with the horrible monetary effects of the useless US governmental shutdown and the ever-climbing national debt; speak of the disastrous Obamacare Website; the inevitable next war for an unprepared America; the deepening rift between Saudi Arabia and the USA; the hopelessly unrealistic expectations by some that the USA will be able to get out of the current mess; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s attempts to become the next President; the intent by the Obama administration to give Iran billions of dollars; the allegation that the USA might be guilty of war crimes; and examples of frightening incompetency in the US Air Force.

We continue reporting on alarming figures of worldwide slavery; focus on developments in France and Germany—the two most powerful leading nations of continental Europe; speak of the growing anger of European allies towards the USA about its “totally unacceptable” spying activities; and conclude with an article on the dangers of genetically modified salmons.

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