Update 221



On December 10, 2005, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Prophet: True or False?”

services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 12:30 pm Pacific
Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live

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One Nation "Under God"?

by Edwin Pope

In passing down to Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, the
birthright blessings; Jacob said, “Let my name (Israel) be named upon
them” (Genesis 46:16). Then of Ephraim He said, “…his descendants
shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 46:19). And of Manasseh
He said, “He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great”
(same verse). Ephraim became the British Commonwealth of Nations, upon
which–once–the sun never set! And Manasseh became the greatest single
nation ever to exist on the earth– “the United States of America.” Its
sunset seems to be looming on the horizon as well! (See our booklet,
The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”)

Little did the
small band of men consider, as they left the British shores during the
18th century heading for a new land, that they were embarking upon a
journey which would result in the establishment of a nation which would
fulfill the second part of the prophecy noted above in the passing down
of God’s blessings, which came through Abraham to Jacob and on to the
sons of Joseph.

When George Mason wrote the “Virginia Declaration
of Rights,” which was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention
on June 12, 1776, I am certain he had no thought that that document
would be used by Thomas Jefferson in writing the opening paragraphs of
the Declaration of Independence; nor, that it would be copied by other
colonies in establishing their states’ rights; nor, that it would
become the basis of the Bill of Rights of the United States. In the
Virginia Declaration of Rights, Section 16, Mason wrote: “That
religion, or the duty which we owe to our creator, and the manner of
discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by
force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the
free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and
that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance,
love, and charity toward each other.” The Declaration of Independence,
which was adopted July 4, 1776, makes reference to the Creator God in
the first and second paragraphs of that document. The Pledge of
Allegiance to flag and country was originally written by Francis
Bellamy in August, 1892. A minor change in a couple of words was made
in 1924, and in 1954 the words “under God” were added to the pledge. It
was said at the time that the pledge now was a patriotic oath and a
public prayer.

The motto, “In God We Trust” was placed on U.S.
coins largely because of increased religious sentiment existing during
the Civil War. After many appeals in favor of such a move, Secretary of
the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, instructed James Pollock, Director of
the Mint at Philadelphia, by letter dated November 20, 1861, as
follows: “Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of
God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God
should be declared on our national coins. You will cause a device to be
prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the
fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.” Samples
were presented and the present wording which is used on U.S. coins
today was adopted and passed by the U.S. Congress on April 22, 1864.
This motto, “In God We Trust,” was added to $1 silver certificates with
printings beginning in 1957. In 1964, the motto was added to Federal
Reserve Notes in the amounts of $1, $5, $10, as well as with the $5
United States Note, and in 1966 the motto was added to the $50, and
$100 Federal Reserve Notes.

But a program of stamping out
religion on national currency began in 1978 and continues today. Some
are crossing out the national motto on paper money (An illegal act
under U.S. law). But there is a movement afoot across the country to
have the motto removed from all forms of U.S. currency. Programs are
ongoing to declare the Pledge of Allegiance as “unconstitutional” and
to not allow it to be recited in public schools because it contains the
words “under God.” The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled the
Pledge of Allegiance “unconstitutional” on June 25, 2002, with the
stipulation that it no longer be recited in public schools. And on
September 14, 2005, a U.S. District Judge ruled that the reference to
one nation “under God” violates schoolchildren’s rights to be “free
from a coercive requirement to affirm God.” The Supreme Court dismissed
the case at a later date.

God established this great nation as He
promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to the sons of Joseph. Yet,
just as He raised it up, He will put it down if it continues to move in
the direction upon which it has now established as its course. We, as a
people of God, must not cover our faces to what is looming upon the
horizon, as prophesied in the Word of God.

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Relationship Between USA and Germany DETERIORATING!!!

Der Spiegel Online published a remarkable article on December 7, 2005, pointing out the TRUE current relationship between the USA and Germany–all hopeful and wishful thinking notwithstanding. This development is, of course, in line with Biblical prophecy, even though some might have chosen to forget or ignore what the Bible clearly reveals. As the comments in the magazine are of such tremendous importance, we are quoting extensively from the article, as follows:

“If US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel was meant to herald a new era of trans-Atlantic harmony, IT HAS FAILED. Merkel ANGERED US officials with her public statement that Washington admitted it had made a ‘mistake’ by kidnapping a German national… Monday’s meeting between the TWO MOST POWERFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD resulted in a DIPLOMATIC SPAT and HIGHLIGHTED A GROWING RIFT BETWEEN EUROPE AND AMERICA over whether the end always justifies the means in the war on terror. Rice’s trip was meant to signal a new start for trans-Atlantic ties, but if anything, RELATIONS ARE WORSE NOW.

“Merkel irritated US officials by telling journalists after their meeting that Washington had admitted making a mistake in the case of Khaled al-Masri, a Lebanese-born German citizen who was abducted by the CIA and claims that he was tortured while held in secret custody. ‘We discussed the one case which was accepted as a mistake by the government of the United States,’ MERKEL TOLD A JOINT NEWS CONFERENCE WITH RICE AFTER THEIR MEETING on Tuesday. US officials later told journalists that Rice had done nothing of the sort. ‘We are not quite sure what was in her head,’ the Reuters news agency quoted a senior American official as saying. The US government has informed the German government about al-Masri’s case but has not admitted making mistakes. Rice has merely given assurances that any errors made by the CIA would be corrected as and when they arose, officials said.

“The US irritation may stem from concern that any admission of an error would hurt the US government’s position in US lawsuits against it. Al-Masri, 42, was abducted while on holiday in Macedonia in late 2003 after being mistakenly identified as a suspect in the 9/11 attacks. He was then taken to Afghanistan, where he alleges he was drugged and beaten while being held captive in a secret CIA prison. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit on his behalf in the US Federal Court in Virginia on Tuesday.

“Merkel, who supported President George W. Bush over the Iraq war and has pledged to repair the damage her predecessor Gerhard Schröder did to relations with the US government, may have SURPRISED RICE WITH HER ROBUST COMMENTS on allegations that the US runs a network of ‘ghost flights’ and secret prisons around the world where terror suspects can be interrogated with little concern for international law… Rice’s comment that the US does not torture terrorism suspects met with skepticism in Berlin. Karsten Voigt, the German government’s coordinator on German-US relations, said: ‘The question remains whether she means the same thing by torture as we do.’…

The article also pointed out:

“For commentators in Germany, the US practice of ‘extraordinary rendition,’ or secretly transferring suspects to third countries, including some outside Europe that routinely use torture, reveals HOW FAR EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES HAVE DRIFTED APART since Sept. 11 on how much leeway secret services should have in pursuing terrorists. ‘Condoleezza Rice gave the best example of this by adopting what almost seemed like a blackmailing tone in saying that whoever discloses the work of their intelligence services would have to live with a higher threat of terror,’ stated an editorial in the liberal daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. ‘Rice came to Germany TO BEGIN A NEW ERA. SHE HAS RESOUNDINGLY FAILED TO DO SO’… In a swipe at the Bush administration, [former Interior Minister Otto] Schily said he had urged the Americans to give full assistance to the German prosecutor investigating al-Masri’s case. ‘Unfortunately that didn’t happen in an appropriate fashion,’ Schily told the paper [Die Zeit].”

HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa

As Terrence Higgins Trust reported in November, “Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the worst affected region, with 25.4 million people living with HIV at the end of 2004, up from 24.4 million in 2002… Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of all HIV infections worldwide. Three-quarters (76 per cent) of all the women living with HIV live there.”

Catholics in Limbo?

The Scotsman reported on November 30, 2005: “The Catholic Church is preparing to abandon the idea of limbo, the theological belief that children who die before being baptised are suspended in a space between heaven and hell… The idea of limbo was developed as a response to the harshness of early Church teachings which insisted that any child who died before he or she was baptised would still be stained by Original Sin and so would be condemned to hell… the new belief is expected to be that unbaptised babies [who have died] will go directly to heaven.”

Zenit reported on November 30, 2005, that “Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith, says Benedict XVI.”

These two reports seem to indicate a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in Pope Benedict’s theological understanding. As Cardinal Ratzinger, he insisted that one must be or become a member of the Roman Catholic Church in order to be saved. The future will show how this new representation of the Catholic faith will play out.

The Bible neither teaches the concept of limbo, nor, that we go to heaven when we die, nor, that unbelievers will be thrown into an ever-burning hellfire, to be tortured and punished for all eternity. The Holy Scriptures clearly teach, however, that the belief in and the acceptance of Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation. For a better understanding of these VITAL issues, please read our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

Turks Esteem Benedict XVI

On December 1, 2005, Zenit reported: “Benedict XVI will be ‘more than welcome’ in Turkey, says a Turkish professor of the history of Islam. Nahide Bozkurt… explained that for many Turkish Muslims, the Pope is ‘a spiritual man, holy.’  The [pope] plans to visit Turkey next year. ‘Many people believe in the Pope; he has spiritual power,’ Bozkurt told Zenit. ‘If he comes to Turkey, he will be much appreciated.'”

Russia Helps Iran

WorldNetDaily reported on December 2, 2005, that “Russia has signed a deal with Iran to sell 29 of its… anti-missile systems, a development that will complicate any planned pre-emptive attack on the… nation’s nuclear facilities… The system would theoretically permit Iran to intercept some cruise missiles as well as airborne missiles that U.S., Israeli or other western countries might use in an effort to keep the terrorist-supporting nation from developing nuclear weapons or using them.”

Israel on the Offensive

The Associated Press reported on December 6, 2005: “Israel clamped an open-ended closure on the West Bank and Gaza Tuesday, BANNING VIRTUALLY ALL PALESTINIANS FROM ISRAEL, and arrested 15 Palestinian militants in a first response to a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis outside a shopping mall. Israeli officials also said the army would target Islamic Jihad operatives in the West Bank, both through arrest raids and targeted killings of operatives, and renew airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to any Palestinian rocket attacks.”

Dangerous US Spending and Borrowing

Britain’s The Times reported on December 3, 2005, that “Alan Greenspan last night issued a stern, renewed warning over threats to the global economy… The Fed Chairman [who is resigning in January] said that, so far, the US had avoided any serious pressure in financing its vast $668 billion (£385 billion) current account deficit… he emphasised that the US reliance on ever- rising inflows of foreign capital could not go on [forever]… If policymakers failed to rein in spending and borrowing, he said that ‘in the end, the consequences for the US economy of doing nothing could be severe.'”

Joerg Haider’s Solutions

Austria’s NetWorld reported on December 3, 2005, that Austria’s unemployment figures have reached an all-time high. Joerg Haider blames foreigners living in Austria for this problem. He demanded not to give any further work permits to foreigners. He also insisted on deporting foreigners who are legally residing in Austria, but who have been without work for more than six months. He also demanded to refuse giving public work to companies in Austria which only employ foreigners.

It’s Christmas Time… Again!

The Christmas Season is upon us. True Christians refuse to keep Christmas, due to its blatantly pagan origin. Surprisingly, perhaps, some well-known public figures expressed their misgivings about Christmas over the years. Bild Online gave the following examples in their edition, dated December 3, 2005:

Otto von Bismarck exclaimed: “Whatever you may give as a [Christmas] present, you will be accused for it.” Friedrich Nietzsche said: “Those peoples are to be envied who do not know Christmas.” And German poet Theodor Storm wrote: “And now it’s Christmas once again. Please, help me, God, that I may endure it.”

Sadly, Zenit reported enthusiastically on December 5, that Christmas is making a comeback. The Catholic paper also admitted the heavy influence of Catholics in the United States in this regard, pointing out:

“The regular battle over Christmas decorations, carols and terminology started in early November, in a number of countries. The controversy got off to a start in the United States when Wal-Mart defended its practice of greeting people with ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Happy Christmas.’ The company came in for strong criticism from Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. In a press release dated Nov. 9 Donohue also criticized a Wal-Mart statement which claimed that Christmas was a composite of ancient traditions, made up of elements such as Siberian shamanism, Celt and Goth customs, and the worship of Baal. Donohue called for a boycott of the retail giant. The dispute quickly finished. Donohue announced two days later that Wal-Mart was withdrawing its statement about the origins of Christmas, as well as making some changes to its Web site…”

On December 5, 2005, Bild Online explored the origin of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht.” While the paper gave the usual, albeit wrong explanation that the concept of Santa Claus goes back to a Catholic priest who allegedly gave presents to children in December, it sets forth an interesting thought regarding the servant Ruprecht: “He became the symbol of the dark side. He punishes bad kids and puts them in his sack–the pit of hell.”

For more information on the REAL origins of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht,” please read pages 6-8 of our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

The United States of Europe

The EUobserver reported on December 1, 2005: “Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt has pleaded for the creation of a federal ‘United States of Europe.'” According to the proposal, “The EU should … have its own president, foreign minister, army and prosecutor… Mr Verhofstadt calls a federal EU ‘the only option.'”

The article continued: “Again reverting to older ideas, Mr Verhofstadt proposes a two-speed Europe as a way out of the dilemma, with a core of integrationist states, surrounded by a circle of states that favour a looser European construction. The nucleus, with the prestigious ‘United States of Europe’ title, could consist of the 12 EU states that have adopted the euro…”

Being aware of resistance from some European countries to such a model, Verhofstadt pointed to “the fact that in the history of the United States of America, not all states immediately adopted the federalist constitution drafted in 1787, but today, ‘it is clear…that the choice for the federal model was the right one.’… Mr Verhofstadt says he is confident Europeans would ‘by an overwhelming majority’ approve his federal Europe in a Europe-wide referendum.”

USA Loses “European Popularity Contest”

On December 5, 2005, Der Spiegel Online stated: “Research by the Washington Post, Spiegel and other media show that neither the previous [German] government nor the new administration under Angela Merkel should have been surprised about the reports in recent weeks about secret prisoner transports, secret prisons and CIA kidnappings.”

In an accompanying article, the magazine wrote: “For weeks, concern has grown about the use of airports in Germany by the CIA for its controversial ‘extraordinary renditions’ program. Now, it looks like there were hundreds of such suspected flights. At least 437 according to a new list provided by German air traffic controllers. As much as new German Chancellor Angela Merkel may want to improve relations between the United States and Germany, events in the skies over Europe are making it INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT.”

On December 6, 2005, the German press reported again in no uncertain terms about the alleged CIA violations, as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was visiting Germany and had a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bild reported that Merkel demanded of Rice that the USA apply DEMOCRATIC AND LEGAL RULES in their fight against terrorism. Der Spiegel Online added, after recapturing Europe’s OUTCRY about alleged CIA violations:

“In total, European countries may have been used for a total of some 600 secret CIA flights since the autumn of 2001. The European Union has said it would suspend the voting rights of those members found to be illegally holding terror suspects or hosting clandestine US prisoners.”

The magazine concluded with this telling statement: “All of which means that the US, ONCE AGAIN, IS LOSING THE EUROPEAN POPULARITY CONTEST…”

Tragedies in Malawi

CNN reported on December 3, 2005, about Malawi, “a landlocked central African nation nestled between Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique.” The article explained: “This is one of the world’s 10 poorest countries; life expectancy is a mere 37 years; two-thirds of the population live on less than a dollar a day; one in six adults is HIV positive, and nearly half the population of 12 million faces starvation in coming months if help doesn’t arrive soon. That’s 5 million people, which is half the population of London or New York City.”

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Would you please explain the last phrase in Isaiah 28:16?

Isaiah 28:16 reads: “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold I lay
in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious
cornerstone, a sure foundation; WHOEVER BELIEVES WILL NOT ACT HASTILY.”

What is meant with “Whoever believes will not act hastily”?

context clearly refers to the announcement of God THE FATHER to lay in
Zion (which many times describes the Church of God) a precious
cornerstone for a foundation. This describes the Messiah, Jesus Christ,
as many New Testament passages reveal (compare Matthew 21:42; Mark
12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Romans 9:33; Ephesians 2:20; and 1 Peter

Notice, though, that this stone would be “tried” first.
Christ had to QUALIFY in His life as a human being to become the
foundation and the precious cornerstone–on which the New Testament
Church would be built. We read that Christ became perfect through
suffering (Hebrews 2:10); and that He was tempted in all things, just
as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He had to overcome
(Revelation 3:21)–Satan, this world, and His own human nature or His
sinful flesh (Romans 8:3)–as He WAS a human being, FULLY flesh and
blood when here on earth. He had BECOME flesh (John 1:14), having set
aside His divinity or “equality with God” (Philippians 2:6-8). The
Ryrie Study Bible points out in their comments to Isaiah 28:16, that
“Messiah is a FOUNDATION stone in His atonement, a TRIED STONE in His
temptations, and a PRECIOUS CORNER STONE in His relationship to His

As CHRIST overcame or BECAME victorious in all things,
so must WE (Revelation 2:26). It was a battle for Christ (Hebrews
5:6-8), and we too must FIGHT to conquer and win (Romans 8:37). But
with God the Father and Christ living in us through the power of the
Holy Spirit, we CAN win (Ephesians 6:10-17).

With this
background, let’s consider God’s statement in Isaiah 28:16 that we
won’t “act hastily” when we truly “believe.” Many, who are not really
called by God to salvation, act very “hastily” or “with excitement”
when they hear God’s Word proclaimed to them. The Hebrew word for
“hastily” is “chuwsh”, or “chush,” and means literally, “to hurry,” but
it also means figuratively, “to be eager with excitement or enjoyment”
(compare Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, No. 2363).
However, an enthusiastic immediate response to an “altar call,” to
“give our heart to Jesus” right there and then, is never an answer to
God’s TRUE calling. The reason being, we must first thoroughly count
the cost to determine whether we have enough to complete what we begin
(Luke 14:28). The one who starts and looks back is not fit for the
Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

As the recent history in the Church
of God has shown, many who supposedly had “started” did not continue.
They just gave up, embracing the pleasures and philosophies of this
world, which they supposedly left behind when they “embraced” God’s Way
of life. They supposedly accepted the truth of the Bible that God IS a
Family–but not a Trinity– that GOD–the GOD FAMILY–IS reproducing
HIMSELF through MAN; that we are to keep today God’s commanded Holy
Days–the weekly Sabbath and the Annual Feast Days; that we are to
forsake pagan holidays such as Sunday, Christmas or Easter; that we–as
Christ’s ambassadors–are to come out of this world and be different,
by not participating in worldly endeavors such as government elections,
jury duty, or military service. And the list is ongoing, including even
such “physical things” as God’s dietary laws. Many once seemingly
understood those teachings. Some of them were very adamant, to the
point of becoming offensive with their radical and condemnatory
preaching, about those matters. But suddenly, when the spirit of the
world took hold of the leadership of their “parent” organization, they
followed the wrong teachings of spiritually unqualified men and
embraced “their” new understanding–which was EXACTLY what they had all
left behind when accepting God’s Way of Life. How convicted had they
ever been? How much time had they spent PROVING the truth to
themselves? Were they EVER converted? The late human leader of the
Church, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, felt at times that not even 10
percent of those who were attending Church services, CLAIMING to be
members, were truly converted. Subsequent facts have established how
RIGHT he was in this.

Many acted HASTILY. The seed of God’s Word
fell on stony places. Yes, they received the seed IMMEDIATELY with joy,
but when tribulation or persecution came because of the word,
IMMEDIATELY they stumbled (Matthew 13:20-21). They did not like to be
called a cult by the established religions of this world, and so they
tried to become accepted in the eyes of men, loving the honor and
praise of men more than the honor from God (John 5:44; 12:43).

true Christian who believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ, and who
is willing to OBEY them, will not act “hastily.” He understands that
His decision to follow God, and to be baptized as a consequence, is a
life-long commitment. He will have counted the cost first. He will not
be baptized just because of peer pressure–because other Church members
or attendees might have expected him to, or because his Church
organization is anxious to report how many of their new members have
been baptized through their preaching of the Word. Such types of
“altar-call conversions” simply do not last.

At the same time,
he SHOULD act hastily, and not delay, when he is ready for baptism. In
general, it is necessary to make haste, enthusiastically, regarding our
ongoing spiritual growth and the Work of God. We are not to be slack in
what we are doing (Zephaniah 3:16). The same Hebrew word, “chush,”
which is used in Isaiah 28:16, meaning, “acting hastily,” is used in
Psalm 119:60, where David said: “I made haste, and did not delay To
Keep Your commandments.” He also asked God repeatedly to make haste to
help him (Psalm 38:22; 40:13; 70:5; 71:12; 141:1).

We are even
told that God will hasten His work in His due time (Isaiah 60:22). But
even here, a word of caution is in order: It is correct that we can
hasten the coming of the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12) by the way we
live. At the same time, God grants us room for repentance, not willing
that anyone in the Church should perish (2 Peter 3:9). But God does not
grant us time for repentance forever, and while God allots time to us,
we might be guilty of delaying Christ’s coming. The key is our
conduct–the way we live. BUT, we are not to DESIRE the Day of the Lord
in respect to others, to see God’s punishment inflicted upon them
(Jeremiah 17:16; Proverbs 17:5)–nor should we desire Christ’s coming,
if we are not ready for it (Amos 5:18). We are not to behave like those
mentioned in Isaiah 5:18-19: “Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords
of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope; That say, ‘Let Him make
speed and hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the counsel of
the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, That we may know it.'”

speak facetiously, of course, not believing that God is in their lives,
or that God is still doing a Work here on earth. They might have
convinced themselves that God’s Work is done–and that all that is
required of them today is to make themselves ready. BUT, a Church
member who just concentrates on himself, while ignoring or rejecting
God’s Work, will NOT be ready when Christ returns.

Even in our
converted Christian life, it is prudent not to act too hastily. It is
always good to consider (Proverbs 14:15); take good counsel before
making a decision (Proverbs 11:14; 20:18); and, especially, to pray to
God, with faith, for wisdom and understanding as to what to do in a
certain circumstance (James 1:2-8). Our human tendencies might be to
react immediately–sometimes even before we might have fully heard a
matter (Proverbs 18:13)–but God tells us in many places to wait for
Him (Isaiah 30:18; 64:4). This is not to say that we are not to act at
all–but we are to make sure, first, that our action is in harmony with
God’s Will. As Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who WAIT on the LORD Shall
renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

addition, Paul seems to quote Isaiah 28:16 in a slightly different way,
in Romans 9:33, including the following thought: “… And whoever
believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Peter states the same, in 1
Peter 2:6: “… and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to
shame.” This conveys essentially the same meaning: The one who does not
act hastily, but places His trust and confidence in God, shall not have
the shame of failure and disappointment. Matthew Henry’s Commentary
states: “And he that believes these promises, and rests upon them,
shall not make haste, but with a fixed heart shall quietly wait the
event, saying, Welcome the will of God.”

Some translations render
Isaiah 28:16 in such a way that the one who believes in God and His
promises shall not waiver; that he shall not be worried; that he shall
not be in a frenzy; or that he shall not have cause for panic. All
these renderings are meaningful, in the sense that the one who believes
in God will wait for His Will to be revealed in his life; and in doing
so, he will not be fearful and worried, trying hastily to “solve” a
problem on his own–without God.

Next time we are tempted to act
before we have heard or considered all the facts and circumstances, let
us remember God’s profound admonishment and encouragement in Isaiah
28:16: As we have a TRIED cornerstone–Jesus Christ–in Whom we
believe; on Whom we build our lives; and Who lives in us; let us NOT
“act hastily.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out early next
week. Brian Gale discusses in the letter the “spirit of Christmas” in
all its different forms and disguises, which true Christians must avoid
at all costs.

We have received additional interesting responses
to our ad campaign in the United Kingdom, promoting our booklet, “The
Fall and Rise of Britain and America
.” The final number of responses is
1,648. Set forth below are a few samples:

“Dear Sir. I am a
Christian and I’ve read the Bible from cover to cover and have attended
a course analyzing the Old Testament; nevertheless I have never come
across an analysis and interpretation of the Scripture like yours. It
has certainly shed [light] on some of my unanswered questions.”

Christian friends. Thank you so much for sending me the booklet “The
Fall and Rise of Britain and America.
” It is so interesting. I have not
yet read it all as I like to look up all of the references. A real
revelation to me. I feel that here I am at 80, not much longer to be
here, yet, when reading your book, so much to learn before I go. If you
have any other publications, and have a list of them, will you kindly
send me a copy. Thank you. You said all your literature is free of
charge but please accept the enclosed small gift from the Lord towards
your great ministry. I like you name ‘Global’ church. What a day that
will be when we all rise to meet our Lord, we shall see a real Global
Church. Many thanks and every blessing.”

“We have been delighted
with the booklets and have passed them [on] so others could have a
blessing. There is only a couple of us but could you send us a few more
and where we could send a donation to and who[m] to make it payable
to. We have all gained so much from the booklets.”

have just finished reading your booklet entitled “The Fall and Rise of
Britain and America
” and found it to be very enjoyable. It would be
much appreciated if you could send me the following booklets (8 are
listed). I would also be grateful if you could send me further
information on your church. Thanking you in advance for your help.”

you for the booklets previously sent to me. I read them and I must say
that everything is scriptural that you pointed out in them. There are
so many churches today that do quote certain passages of the Bible to
persuade people that they have the ‘Truth.’… The Word of God teaches
me to not forget the doctrine that I have been taught from Scripture,
for it is God-breathed. I am extremely grateful to you and your church
for this free merchandise. There are not many free… booklets
[around]. If it is not too much trouble to you, I would like the
booklets, ‘The Theory of Evolution‘; ‘Don’t Keep Christmas‘; ‘Is God a
‘; and ‘Lawlessness Will Abound.’ I especially am keen to
see what your church has to say about it.”

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God DOES Help Us!

by Rhonda Cagle

On January 28, 2005, I was laid off from Musicmatch after five and a
half years, due to Yahoo, Inc. buying the company. My accounting
manager was kept on with Yahoo until the end of July. Just two weeks
before my unemployment benefits were to run out (in August), I was
hired by Emerald Publications for a “three month” period. This was to
result in a permanent position. As it turned out, the Vice President of
Finance, with whom I interviewed, was Jewish, and she had no problem
with me keeping the Sabbath and the Holy Days, which were right around
the corner. Only two weeks after I was hired with Emerald, she quit her
job! I always wondered (and still do) whether God just kept her there
long enough to hire me?

In October, I received an email from my
former accounting manager at Musicmatch, stating that she had been
hired by Carvin Guitars, which was located right across the street from
where I was now working. We got together for lunch a couple weeks
later, and she asked if I would be interested in an accounts payable
position at Carvin? Although I was happy and confident that I would be
hired permanently at Emerald, I gave her my resume anyway. Over the
three-month period at Emerald, I was told on numerous occasions how
glad they were to have me there and how pleased they were with my work.
My three-month agreement with Emerald was to end on November 15th. That
day came and went with no word from them. Another week went by. I kept
expecting to hear “the word” concerning my status.

On Tuesday,
November 22nd, I received a call from the H.R. manager at Carvin asking
whether I could interview with the President that afternoon! After much
scrambling around to get ready, I agreed to meet with him during my
lunch hour. I received a call at 2:30 that afternoon from Carvin,
offering me the job! The position paid $2000.00 a year more than what I
was currently making, with benefits. I didn’t have to explain about the
Sabbath and the Holy Days to the President because he had already been
informed of my needs by my previous accounting manager! She told me he
stated it was “refreshing” to find someone who had such “strong
religious beliefs.” Not knowing what was going on with my status at
Emerald, I accepted the “sure” job. The new job would start a week
later, although they were receptive to postponing the date if I needed
to give Emerald a longer notice.

I went home and prayed that God
would show me whether I was making the right decision. The very next
morning the V.P. of finance at Emerald approached me and said they
wanted to meet with me Monday morning concerning EXTENDING my TEMPORARY
position for another three-month duration (without any benefits)! There
was my answer.

On Monday morning, instead of having a meeting
about extending my temporary status, I told them of my decision to
accept a permanent position with Carvin. They immediately offered to
counter Carvin’s offer. I told them thank you, but I had already
accepted the permanent position offered by Carvin. At that time they
said how sorry they were to see me go but also stated that if my new
job didn’t work out or if I changed my mind, to please come back and
apply for any job they might have open!

I now wonder if God
gave me the position at Emerald just long enough for my previous
accounting manager to be hired by Carvin and to bring me on with her
when the time was right. It sure looks that way. I just wanted to share
this with you to show how God takes care of us in so many different
ways. I hope this will encourage all of us, as it is so wonderful to
see God work so closely in our lives. “Thank you” to all of you who
prayed for me during this time. God definitely answers our prayers.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God