Update 56


Our character

This Sabbath, Norbert Link will be speaking about an important character trait, which we all must develop in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream”.

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Feast 2002 in Pendicton

by Rene Messier (Canada)

Penticton is a medium size city, by Canadian standards, of less than 30,000 nestled between two mountains and two lakes — Okanagan Lake to the north and Skaha Lake to the south. It is a semi arid fruit-growing region. There are orchards of apples, peaches, pears, apricots, and cherries. Scattered throughout the region within half an hour from town, there are nine wineries, some offering tours. The weather in late September should be in the seventies.

The town has three shopping malls plus the downtown center. There are plenty of good restaurants from fast food to four course meals at a few selective restaurants either in town or within thirty minutes drive. There is an airport at the south end of town for those flying. There are places to walk, bike and drive if one wishes. There are three golf courses within 30 minutes, one right in town. Horseback riding within 30 minutes and an amusement park, I hope, will still be open.

The current exchange rate is 1.56, which means for every $100.00 US you get $156.00 Canadian. You are better off waiting to get here and exchange your money at a local bank. There are several pubs that offer good menus, two bowling alleys and a theatre. God’s people have used Penticton as a Feast site for some 34 years and we are confident you will really enjoy Penticton.

We are planning a bike trip from Summerland to Penticton on the Kettle Valley right of way, coming back along Hwy 97. This should take about two and a half hours. For those not so inclined there is a tour on a steam locomotive in Summerland that should take about two hours. After this, there will be a barbecue and talent night at my house in Summerland. All of these activities will occur on Monday, Sept.23rd. The train ride costs $17.00; bikes can be rented for $20.00.

On Wednesday, Sept 25th, from 4-6 PM, we are planning a dinner boat cruise on Okanagan Lake. Included in the price of $27.00 per person will be a chicken dinner meal with bar service. Since the boat has capacity of only 48, we must operate on a first come first serve basis. Tickets will be sold at the information booth starting on Sunday, Sept. 22nd. On Thursday, Sept. 26th, we will have a dinner dance. Music will be supplied from our personal selection. The meal will be served with a choice of meat (beef) or fish (salmon) with all the trimmings, and will include tea, coffee and desert. Wine is available but is extra. The cost is $22.00, which includes taxes and tip. We will need those attending the dinner dance to sign up on Sunday for this also. Senior luncheon will be on Friday the 27th at 1:30, people, age 60 or over, are free. Those wishing to attend the senior luncheon, who are under the age of 60, are welcome for a price just under $11.00. Please sign up for the senior luncheon on Sunday also, as we need to get the numbers to the caterers for the meal preparation. There will be a farewell luncheon provided at 2:00 PM on the Last Great Day, Sept. 28th. There will be no cost to the brethren for this meal, but we do need to know how many will be attending, so please sign up for this also.

We will have sign up lists at the information booth and tickets available for all activities, beginning September 22nd.

Please plan to attend as many activities as possible, and as fits your budget. We would like to ask you to sign up as early as possible at the information booth for the activities, which you plan to participate in, so we can properly prepare for each activity. Thanks for your co-operation and we are looking forward to seeing you in Penticton.

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As Yahoo! News reported on August 15, Zimbabwean police have summoned six white farmers to appear in court on Friday to face charges for defying a government eviction order by President Robert Mugabe. The order gave the 2,900 white farmers an August 8 deadline to hand over their farms to landless blacks. Nearly 60% of the farmers are expected to defy the order. Again, we see, as prophesied for these end times, the decreasing influence of the descendants of Ephraim in that part of the world.


As the Associated Press reported on August 14, a federal judge has struck down a religious exemption to a state statute of Arkansas, requiring vaccinations before children can attend public school. The judge ruled that the exemption, which was only granted to members of “recognized churches,” violates the establishment and free association clauses of the First Amendment. The suit came about, as a student, who is not a member of a “recognized” religious group, believed that vaccinations are “against the will of her God.” The unfortunate and undesirable present result of this ruling is, however, that, unless the ruling is overturned, no religious exemption exists at all, and that all students will now have to be vaccinated in Arkansas.


WorldTribune.com reported on August 12 that Israel has determined that Iraq is preparing a missile strike that could be launched at any time. Israeli officials said that the government has prepared a series of plans to defend against and retaliate for any Iraqi missile attack. They said the plans were endorsed by the United States. Bild Online reported on August 15, that the Israeli newspaper Haaretz stated that Israel would be willing to use nuclear weapons against Iraq in case of an attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. The report stated that in this case, Iraq could be wiped out from the map.


Torrential rain has wreaked havoc across Central and Eastern Europe in the past week, causing floods across Russia, Romania, Austria and Germany that have killed more than 80 people.

As Yahoo! News reported on August 15th, Dresden, Germany, suffered its worst flooding in more than a century. About 3000 residents have been evacuated. Tens of thousands more Germans were moved from other towns along the Elbe and Mulde rivers. A second wave of water from the Czech Republic is expected to hit soon. Further evacuations are going to be needed. The Elbe is expected to reach a level of 27 feet by Thursday night, its highest since March 31, 1845. German officials estimated damage would cost billions of euros.

Other areas, which were hit hard by the flood in Europe, were regions in Bavaria and Prague, the Czech capital, and the entire Czech Republic. Authorities there moved more than 20,000 people to escape “the worst floods since records began over a century ago.” According to Der Spiegel of August 14, the flood, destroying parts of Prague, occurred exactly 660 years after a devastating flood during August of 1342, which became known as the “flood of the century.” A Czech chemicals factory leaked poisonous chlorine gas after flood waters damaged the building.

Austria, too, was hit hard. 10,000 homes are thought to have been left uninhabitable “by floods that have been described as the country’s worst disaster since World War II.”

Yahoo! News also reported on August 14th “hundreds more have died in seasonal floods in South Asia and Iran. The chaos has been blamed by some on changes to the global climate wrought by man-made pollution.” Der Spiegel asked on August 14 whether this present chaos is only “a foretaste” of worse things to come.

Almost 900 people died so far in Asia because of floods. Nearly 1 Million people in 200 villages have lost their homes or went to higher ground to escape flooding from six major rivers in India. The floods, caused by 2 months of torrential monsoon rains, are described as the worst in three decades.

Is God in the process of giving a warning to this world, that worse things ARE going to occur, unless man repents? Notice Christ’s warning in Luke 21: 25-26, “And there will be… on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and expectation of those things which are coming on the earth…”


An article from The Associated Press reports on this month’s Earth Summit–a United Nations event in which more than 100 world leaders will participate.
What they will deal with is “…a planet in peril.”

Quoting from the article: “According to its findings (U.N. report), forests are being destroyed, drought is becoming more intense, sea levels are rising, agricultural production can’t keep up with the demand for food, many plant and animal species are at risk of extinction and air and water pollution are killing millions of people.” (Source: as reported in The Coloradoan, 8/14/02.)

These planet wide concerns echo the biblical warnings of an earth on the brink of chaos such as forewarned by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24. Further examples of a rapidly changing global existence are highlighted by the West Nile virus that is sweeping across the U.S. First detected in New York City in 1999, this disease is carried to new locations by birds, then through mosquitoes the virus is passed to people or horses. It is estimated that nearly 40 percent of horses infected with this disease will die! There is, however, a vaccine that may prove partially effective for horses. Stringent warnings for people concerning avoidance of mosquito bites are now the only real preventive action to be taken. The West Nile virus tends to make people sick while some, such as the elderly or infirm, are at much greater risk.


Sobered by the reality of drought, state and local officials are making bleak plans for next year’s water supply in the Western U.S. Many are already predicting that watering of lawns–along with other severe restrictions–may be totally forbidden. Others are scrambling to implement the new reality of life in a period of sustained and deepening drought.

A national perspective on the drought was issued this week: “Persistent and worsening drought has spread to nearly half the contiguous United States, the government reported Wednesday. The National Climatic Data Center said that, as of the end of July, 49 percent of the 48 contiguous states were affected by moderate to extreme drought.” (The Coloradoan, August 15, 2002)

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Editors’ Note:

We received last week an interesting question regarding our use of the word “Lucifer.” We are sharing our response with you:

In the Hebrew, the word translated as “Lucifer” in the King James Bible and many other translations, is “helel,” or “heylel,” and means, according to Strong’s, Young’s, and other commentaries, “lightbringer,” “shining one,” “morning star”,” or “shining star of the dawn.”

The word “Lucifer” is the Latin translation of the Hebrew word, “helel,” or “heylel,” conveying exactly the same meaning. So it is appropriate to use this word, describing the cherub who later became “Satan.” God uses many times names to describe the character of an individual. “Satan,” by the way, is the English translation of the Hebrew word, “sawtwan.”

Most words in the English language, designating names, are TRANSLATIONS from the Hebrew and the Greek — they are NOT the original words. Even “Christ” is a translation of the Greek word, “khristos.” It means, “the Anointed One.”

Also, the expressions are still different, when looking at other languages. In German, for instance, the word for “khristos,” is “Christus.” The Germans pray to the “Vater,” English-speaking people pray to the “Father,” but in the Greek language, the word is, “pater” (spelled “pat-ayr.”). Jesus and Paul, by the way, used the Aramaic expression, “abba”, many times.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God