What is the Work of God? (Part 1)


The Bible uses the concept of “God’s Work” or the “Work of God” in many different ways. But as we will see, they all harmonize or complement each other; there is no contradiction. We will show how great God is and how His masterplan is being worked out here below.  

In this first installment, we will begin to address God’s Work in the context of the prophetic revival of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe and, in connection therewith, the preaching of the gospel in the world as a witness, because both concepts are necessary to lead to the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ to establish God’s Kingdom here on earth.

In our free booklet, “Evil Empires and Evil People—Wild Beasts of the Bible,”  we state the following:

In Daniel 7, four great world-ruling empires (called ‘kingdoms’ in Daniel 2 and 7) are described, which are seen by Daniel in a vision as four wild beasts…  When Daniel saw the vision, only the first empire was in existence—the Babylonian Empire, which was symbolized as a lion (verse 4). It was to be followed by the Medo-Persian Empire, which was symbolized as a bear (verse 5). It, in turn, was to be replaced by the Greco-Macedonian Empire, which was symbolized by a leopard with four heads and four wings (verse 6). In his vision, Daniel also saw a fourth vicious beast with ten horns (verse 7). Although the exact identity of that beast is not revealed, nor is it identified by name, it is unanimously accepted by biblical scholars and historians that the fourth empire, which subdued the third beast, represents the Roman Empire. It was to exist, through numerous revivals, until the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth (verses 19–27).

“After its fall, the Roman Empire would be revived ten times. Revelation 13 describes the Roman Empire as a beast with seven heads and ten horns. Quoting from our free booklet, ‘The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation’: ‘The beast with the seven heads and ten horns was like a leopard, with feet of a bear and a mouth of a lion (Revelation 13:2)… Comparing [the] four beasts in the book of Daniel [chapter 7] with the one beast in Revelation 13, we can see that the beast in Revelation is a conglomeration of those four beasts in Daniel. It has seven heads, because it combines the head of the lion, the head of the bear, the four heads of the leopard, and the head of the fourth beast with ten horns.’

“As mentioned, virtually all Bible scholars confirm the historical fact that the fourth beast in Daniel 7 was the Roman Empire. The beast in Revelation 13 describes the continuation of the Roman Empire, through its ten revivals.  Continuing with quoting from our booklet: ‘According to Daniel 7:24, ten kings were to arise out of the Roman Empire… the beast or the Roman Empire would have ten successive resurrections or revivals… The first three resurrections or revivals of the Roman Empire after its fall occurred under Geiseric of the Vandals; Odoacer of the Heruli; and Theodoric of the Ostrogoths… The actual ‘healing’ of the deadly wound [compare Revelation 13:3] signifies the fourth resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire, which occurred in 554 A.D., when Justinian, who was heavily influenced by his Roman Catholic wife, defeated the Ostrogoths and marched into Rome. He united the Eastern and Western parts of the ancient Roman Empire and restored the entire Empire…

“‘The fifth resurrection occurred under Charlemagne in 800 A.D.; the sixth under Otto the Great in 962 A.D.; the seventh under Charles V of Hapsburg in 1530 A.D.; and the eighth under Napoleon (which lasted from 1804 A.D. until 1814 A.D., when Napoleon abdicated at the battle of Leipzig). Following Napoleon, two more resurrections were to occur, as the fourth beast in Daniel 7 and the beast in Revelation 13 had TEN horns.

“‘The ninth resurrection happened under Mussolini and Hitler. We are observing right now the beginning of the tenth and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in continental Europe…’

“The last seven revivals of the ancient Roman Empire would be a unification between church and state (compare Revelation 17). The last revival, under the beast and the false prophet, will only last for a very short time, and it and its leaders will be destroyed by the returning Jesus Christ ‘and given to the burning flame’ (Daniel 7:11)… When Christ returns, the final revival of the Roman Empire (the fourth beast of Daniel 7) which is also called ‘Babylon,’ will be burned with fire (Revelation 17:16; 18:8–9)—as will be the human leaders (Revelation 19:20).”

With this background, let us now address the question what this has to do with the Work of God. We know from Revelation 13:2 that it is Satan, the dragon, who gives his power and authority to the beast—the Revived Roman Empire and the final leader of that Empire, and we also read in Revelation 9:11 that the final revival will have over it, as their king, “the angel of the bottomless pit,” whose name is, in English, Destruction and Destroyer. This describes Satan as well. Still, Satan can only do what God allows, and even though many times God does not presently intervene in human affairs, He will do so when He must make sure that His masterplan will be fulfilled. And the final rise of the ancient Roman Empire and its conduct in the end time IS part of His prophesied masterplan—His “Work.”

Continuing with quoting from our free booklet, “Evil Empires and Evil People—Wild Beasts of the Bible,”:

“An interesting reference to the beast—especially the final revival of the ancient Roman Empire—can be found in the book of Habakkuk which deals with the modern Chaldeans or Assyrians.

“Isaiah 23:13 tells us that the ancient Assyrians founded the land of the Chaldeans. And so, it will be the modern Assyrians—mainly the German-speaking peoples—who will lead the final resurrection of the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ (For instance, as we have seen, the German Otto the Great and the Austrian Charles V. were previous emperors of the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ or ‘the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.’ Arguably this is also true for Charlemagne or Charles the Great, who was crowned as Emperor in the German city of Aachen and who is viewed by the Germans as a German, by the French as a Frenchman, and by the Belgians as a Belgian. In addition, the collaboration of the Austrian Adolf Hitler and the Italian Benito Mussolini with several popes constituted the sixth revival of the ‘Holy Roman Empire’).

“In ancient times, the Chaldeans were Babylon’s religious leaders, astrologers and magicians. Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says about the ancient Chaldeans: ‘A people still of late mean and low, famous only for their soothsaying, divination, and judicial astrology; but now become a powerful and warlike people, rising up under the permission of Providence to universal monarchy, and who would quickly add Judea to the rest of their dominions…’

“Even though a partial fulfillment of Habakkuk’s entire prophecy can be seen in ancient Judah’s captivity through the Babylonians, due to Judah’s transgressions (compare verse 4), Habakkuk’s prophecy of Babylonian warfare is clearly awaiting an end-time fulfillment

“Habakkuk 1:5–10 reads as follows: ‘Look among the nations and watch–Be utterly astonished! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful… They all come for violence… They gather captives like sand. They scoff at kings…’”

This statement is critically important to understand. God says that HE will WORK A WORK in our time—the WORK of raising up the modern Chaldeans for the purpose of attacking and destroying the modern descendants of the Houses of Israel and Judah.

In our free booklet, “The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe“, we say:

“In Habakkuk’s days, God used the ancient Chaldeans to punish Israel. In our time, God will use the modern Chaldeans to punish the Houses of Israel and Judah. The Chaldeans were the backbone of the Neo-Babylonian Empire (Ezra 5:12; 2 Kings 25:1, 5; 2 Chronicles 36:17). In Daniel 2, the word is also applied to the Babylonian priestly class, who also engaged in divination, astrology, and magic or sorcery. In Babylon’s sphere of influence, the Chaldeans also had a religious function—mainly because the planetary orbits were interpreted as the expression of the will of deities that had to be fathomed.

“In late antiquity, the name Chaldeans was used almost exclusively for the Babylonians and became primarily a designation for astrologers, since Babylon was considered a leader in the field of astrology. The ‘Chaldean Oracles’ of the 2nd century were considered a popular book of divination. They also believed very strongly in the power of demons

“In our time, the Chaldeans describe modern Babylon—a religious, political, economic and military power. It is the final and last resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire—a collaboration between church and state—under the leadership of a charismatic leader—the beast or the king of the North or King Jareb of (modern) Assyria who will work together with the ‘false prophet’—a powerful religious leader. Under the beast’s leadership and the influence of the false prophet, the modern Chaldeans will invade ‘dwelling places that are not theirs’ (Habakkuk 1:6). This occupying force under the modern Assyrian leader is also described in Isaiah 10:13–14 and in Daniel 11:41–44. In a way, the final resurrection of the Roman Empire occurs because of Israel’s wickedness (compare also Isaiah 10:6).”

In the next installment, we will discuss in more detail how God will use the coming King of Assyria to punish the Houses of Israel and Judah—as being part of God’s end-time Work. To be clear, unless these prophesied events were to occur, Jesus Christ could NOT RETURN.

For now, let us mention one other aspect of God’s end-time Work, which we alluded to before, and which must likewise be fulfilled in order to make Christ’s Return possible.

In our free booklet “Evil Empires and Evil People—Wild Beasts of the Bible,” we point out that Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, later quoted the passage in Habakkuk 1:5–10, referring to God’s raising up modern Chaldeans to punish the Houses of Israel and Judah, but he gives it an additional all-important meaning and application. We state:

“Paul later quoted these words and applied them as a warning to the people in his time and age who would reject the gospel message. We read in Acts 13:32–41: ‘And we declare to you glad tidings–that promise which was made to the fathers. God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He raised up Jesus… David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption; but He whom God raised up saw no corruption. Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. BEWARE therefore, lest what has been spoken in the prophets COME UPON YOU: ‘Behold, you despisers, Marvel and perish! For I work a work in your days, A work which you will by no means believe, Though one were to declare it to you.’”

Note that Paul applies Habakkuk’s prophecy of doing an “unbelievable” Work in our days, to the preaching of the gospel, including the all-important role of Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind, and also including a warning of not rejecting that message and of impending national disaster in these last days. Continuing:

“God said through Habakkuk that His Work—the end-time preaching of the gospel—would be powerful, but short. Romans 9:28 confirms this, saying: ‘For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the LORD will make a SHORT WORK upon the earth.’

“The Bible prophesies that at the time when the powerful preaching of the gospel message is being revived, modern Chaldea or Babylon will rise once again in Europe as the seventh and very SHORT-lived resurrection of the ancient ‘Holy Roman Empire’—a combination of church and state—when the (religious) fallen woman will be once more riding the (political and military) beast (compare Revelation 17, especially verses 10 and 12). God will use modern Babylon in a literal SWIFT blitzkrieg to punish the modern houses of Israel and Judah for their transgressions (compare also Isaiah 29:13–14). But God will then punish modern Babylon (Habakkuk 2:8)—a system less righteous than modern Israel and Judah (compare Habakkuk 1:12–13).”

When we see the rise of the final revival of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe under a charismatic political and military leader of German or Austrian descent, God’s Church will be busy, with renewed strength, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness, and then the end of this present evil civilization will come (Matthew 24:14). As God’s WORK of reviving the final resurrection of the Roman Empire will be short-lived, and as modern Babylon will act swiftly, so God’s WORK of preaching the gospel, through His Church, will also be short-lived, and God will even cut it short and finish it in righteousness. It is therefore extremely important to understand what God expects of all of us in His Church today—in these end times—just prior to Christ’s return.

(To be continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

©2025 Church of the Eternal God