Current Events


“The Argentine Government has declared a state of siege after violence erupted over the country’s worsening economic crisis… [and] the worst civil unrest since 1989.” [BBC News, December 18, 2001] and according to CNN, Government officials say Argentine President Fernando De la Rua has submitted his resignation.

“Iranian Cleric urges nuclear strike against Israel.” [World Tribune, Dec. 18, 2001]

“Europe and America in bitter row over peace force [in Afghanistan].” [Independent News, December 18, 2001] and “Massive [European] Resistance against expansion of anti-terror war against Iraq. [German Chancellor] Schroeder warns [President] Bush.” [California Staats-Zeitung, December 13, 2001]

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has told NATO allies to prepare themselves for the threat of devastating nuclear, chemical and biological attacks by terrorists on their biggest cities. According to CBS News, December 18, Mr. Rumsfeld warned Europe in Brussels on Tuesday that London, Paris, Berlin and other cities could become targets for terror strikes like those on America that killed more than 3,000 people.

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